You guys must be bummed that your European adventure is coming to an end ! I can't wait to hear all about your trip.
I don't have all your return flight information. Only that you are supposed to come in through Chicago around 7:30PM on American Airlines. I don't know your flight number though. I will co-ordinate the airport pickup with Nick's folks. I plan on being on there.
Monday and Tuesday are supposed to be COLD again with temps only reaching 40 degrees. BRRR!!
See you soon, Love, Mom
Hey!!! You guys come home soon! I can't tv buddy will be home. I have a huge frozen mocha with ur name on it kris! So here's a little scoop theres i think 5 people left on amer idol and A.I. is one of them and your missing the first new greys anat. tonite! I cant wait. Its gorgeous here too in the 70's everyday so it will be way nicer than when you left. HaHa i love mrs O studying the X words lol I just need to study the entire dictionary to make any words..miss you guys a ton can't wait to see ya! Have a safe trip home!
Love Jess!
Just Me Again
Where is Waldo? Miss you guys! Really excited to see you! KT's home and her roomate is living with us, Dad is in NY at Business Camp. Its wierd having only girls - we spent last night at the makeup store! Stay safe! Love me
Just Me
Hey- KT had her Spain trip cancelled and now it is back on! Super excited for her and cant wait to hear your stories. Dad is in NY for the week and KT gets home tonight from school. Miss you guys, mom Cullen's bday is Friday!
Just Me
N- Dad followed up with MSU Vet school, and ....."I called and spoke with the director of admissions, Hilda Mejia Abreu, regarding Nick's status. She told me that notifications to alternates won't occur until mid-May or into June. They could call anytime starting then until just before orientation on August 21/22. They don't call if he isn't selected. They had both Nick's cell and our home number (I was impressed) so they know how to contact us. I have a good feeling about this...... " IDLY mom
Dennis O'beirne
Hi Kris and Nick,
I am glad you are having a good time! Hope you are taking a lot of pictures for the slide show. Missing you, but only 9 more days and you will be home again.
Kristen's Mom
Hi Kristen,
In case you are wondering, I just want you to know that the amount we talked about is in your account.
From the sounds of your blog you are having a great time.....enjoy your last week..
Love, Mom
Kristen's Mom
This Naszradi Family is sounding more interesting with each new message posted on your board. Oh, who are we to talk with Uncle Mark's posted message?
We moved most of Colleen's "stuff" home from MSU today. Took down her loft; that was a job. The reward (for me at least) was to have that great MSU Dairy Store ice cream, however, the line was way out the door so I came away empty handed.
It seems like you have been gone forever! Enjoy the last quarter of your "quarterlife" experience!
Nick, I am now studying the "X" words for Scrabble. Watch Out!
Love, Mom
The Other Mom
I think Uncle Jim is masqurading as Aunt Nancy....we were not supposed to let the OBerines in on all our family secrets all at once! Enjoy Vienna, I will be in AA eating Chineese with KT! Finals week, dont you wish you were here?!
We have a new Target in Canton!
Aunt Nancy
To: The Other Mom (Anne N). Please send more money. Jim and I lost track of Nick and Katey at the first Target Store in Heathrow. We thought we were catching up, then Jim found out about the skinny dipping day trip, and we lost them again. Jim said it was culturally relevant and something we should see first hand so that we "understood their culture and customs." Needless to say, we are running low on funds and Nick and Kristin are proving hard to keep up with! We are trying grandma Ruths method of asking every one we see if they are Nicholas Naszardi, but its not working. I think we are related to some of them. Please let us know if you want anything from the Corfu Target. Everyone here speaks funny. Love, Aunt Nancy
Uncle Mark
Dear Kristen and Nick,
Uncle Mark wants to know where the Skinny Dipping location is as he would like this to be his next vacation destination. He wants to know if you took pictures. He hopes you are having a good time.
Love, Uncle Mark
The Other Mom
Still miss you! I listen to your voice on the answering machine and pretend that someone is always standing over me saying "mom, play with me!" KT found out her study abroad was cancelled - she and i am bummed as i already had my Spanish name picked out for our trip. Love you both, and enjoy this time!