Miss ya - hope all is well. I got a new car this week! Now i dont have to climb through the passenger door! Have fun and enjoy - remember Grandma Naz in Switzerland, that is her favorite place on earth.
Uncle Jim
Nick and Kristen, Sorry, once again, to burst your bubble but I sold Gyros in highschool and yes, they are made from stray dogs. Also, where is Corfu, I thought it was in the UP by Engadine? Sounds Like you are having a ball, we are enjoying your stories.
Love, Uncle Jim
Hi Nick and Kristen,
Hope you enjoy Venice. I can't wait to hear all about it, as this is one part of Italy I hope to get to. (hopefully sooner, than later)
Nick, I feel that I should give you fair warning that I am studying the "Q" words in the Scrabble Dictionary so that I am ready when you get back home! Bring on the competition!
Kristen, Dad and I have eye appointments tonight...we just want to make sure we are ready to clearly see all your pictures.
Like Nick's mom, I too am grumbling about being "stuck in Michigan." You should know that there isn't even buds on most of the trees.....it's still too cold!!!
Enjoy a gelato on me.....
Til next time.......Ciao !
Love, Mom
Brian Dad
Nick and Kristen,
Glad you two are having a great time. Your mother is really jealous and walks around the house saying Nick and Kristen are in Europe and I'm stuck in Michigan where it is still SNOWING! Can you say "cabin fever"?
Well we finished doing our taxes over the weekend. The good news is that your mother and I agreed to stay married another year because of the tax benefits in filing jointly. The bad news is that we still owed the government a lot of dough so we can't afford to have you return home. How's the job market in Italy anyway?
The Red Wings are up 2-1 over Nashville in the first round of the playoffs. (Let's not talk about the Tigers.) Pistons playoffs start soon.
Can't wait to hear all your stories.
Love you two. Be safe.
Hi Kristen and Nick,
I don't want to be outdone by Nick's Uncle Jim. I too have been traveling a lot. Back and forth to East Lansing to MSU that is.
Also, I am so glad to hear that Anne approved the purchase of the Harrod's Scrabble Game. I love that game....count me in!
The Other Mom
Okay- Feeling totally left out! Did not even know that this existed! Thankx Jim. Can you say technologically challenged! Love you both, Me
Are you even getting my other emails?
Uncle Jim
Hey Nick and Kristen, I am truly enjoying your blog. I read the London summary this morning and was very impressed, - sounds like a fantastic trip, we look forward to seeing the pictures and hearing the stories. I laughed out loud when Kristen talked about trip planning ..."good planning again- walking around not knowing where you are going and running into what you meant to see!)." Kristen, you may not know it but that pretty much describes every Shay trip ever taken - just ask Anne. Speaking of Anne, she has approved purchase of a $4,000 Harrods Scrabble Game on your way back home. There are 30 of us studying the rules and we think jointly, maybe, we can beat Nick. Last - I shouldnt say this while you guys are having the trip of a lifetime, but we too, may be traveling soon. Next week we are headed up North to Standish, Alger, or West Branch, and maybe, God Willing, Clare, ...the Ireland of North Central Michigan. Dont be jealous, you cant be everywhere at once. Love, Uncle Jim
Hey!! I just realized that i can leave u a message on here..im a little slow to this since someone didnt tell me about a blog in the first place I've read everything im so glad you guys are having a great time! Ya kno whats funny since i didnt keep a journal i forgot names of places i went well your makin me remember the names! La Rambla and carcason and so on..i think today you may be on your greek island that sounds so nice today is like 40* well have fun see you in a few weeks!! Miss You GUYS!!-Jwood
Uncle Jim And Aunt Nancy
Kristin, Nick, Nancy and I have been trailing 50 yds behind you all week. We are working for your mom. You two are behaving well, but no more seperating from the group to see Florence at Night ! We lost you when Nancy found an Italian Target. We missed you guys at the bar ! Truly hope its all going well, sounds like it is ! Love Uncle Jim and Aunt Nancy
Ryan Eggenberger
This is so cool guys! Your descriptions are great, and it brings back a LOT of memories- France, Barcelona, Italy. Hope you enjoy Rome, I'm sure you will.
And the Tigers won yesterday ;)
Dennis O'beirne
Hi Kris and Nick,
Thanks for the great update! Sounds like you two are having the time of your life!!! I am glad Nice was nice, but I am not sure about the mental picture I have of the "hot" dancing on tables. Just remember I brought you up to be a good Catholic girl! I am glad you are trying to stay out of the bars!!!
Also I am glad you got to see Brunelleschi's famous dome in Florence which is one of the few I remember from Architectural History class.
Also for Nick - if he doesn't know already: the Tigers are 0-7 so far, and Kansas beat Memphis last night with a 3 pointer with 2 sec left in the game and going on to win in OT.
Grandma "chee"
Hi Kristen and Nick,
Really enjoyed your postcard.
I know some of the places you are going to and Grandpa an I really enjoyed them.
Your mom read me your update and it sounds like the trip has been fantastic. See you when you get back.