Went to Kurnda today which is the rainforest it is about 1 hour from Port Douglas not far from cairns, we took the Skyrail up which is a cable car it takes about 1 hour but has stops on the way to jump out and look around the forest and at the views, the ride up was great it really gave you an idea of how big it is, stopped off at the two stops and looked arounf before heading back in the cable car to the top, on arrival it rained!!! and is it was the rain forest it really rained!!! it was still really hot so we walked up to the little town which is very hippieish, with famous little markets stall's maley all art and crafts buit good to talk about, when then went to the butterly sanctury which is home to the biggest moth in the world, when we got into the area Jon made a freind straight away and he never left his had for 10 mintues, it really was lovley walking around with the butterfly landing on you and flying around your heads there were so many pretty colours it was great, left there and went to the bird sanctury where you can walk around and feed the birds, we made quite a few friends with the bag of food we brought, when then had lunch and went to the Kola and native sanctury which was good but really small, leaving there it was pooring again we had just dried off, so went for a coffee the headed off on the walking trails that takes you right into the rainforest this took about 1hour 30 mins it was really good to see the native wildlife and we came across a fly fox farm ( bats) so we had a little look in, carried along the track and reached the town center again , we had a look in the shops ( ugg boots) were every where but really expensive, it is really nice place but really strange???, we then took the senic railway back down to Cairns this was great it stopped a points of interenest down the mountain and the view were good not as good as they could be as it was still raining, but staoped at the falls and went through 15 tunnels all built many many years ago this trip took about 0 hours but was a great trip back and nice to see the area's you did not from the cable car.
Once we got back to Port Douglas we arrived in another massive down pour so deceided to go to the shop and grab some food for dinner as it was not going to stop all night, spent the next day down at Hartleys crocodile farm we had been here before 5 years ago but wanted to go back as they have changed it, saw the salt and fresh water croc's beenong fed had a boat ride around the lake where they tewll you all about the 12 corco that live in there and about big Ted he is the oldest croc there he is 90 years old and 6 meters long and weight half a ton so abig boy, we then went for a walk around the park feed the roos and saw the other birds and snakes casaways lizards etc , when then went to a demonstration with the croc which they were death rolling and jumping to get the food, lastly we had a tour arounf the farm this is where they bread croc;s for there leather!!!.
Went to quite a few beaches along the coast Trinity beah Palm cove and many more but had a great time, now time to go back to Melbourne.
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