After 3 days, 4 buses, 1 plane and a minivan we have finally arrived in Quito, Ecuador. Although the journey was a nightmare and at times we didn`t feel like we were going to make it Quito is lovely and hot and I`ve just been sat in an outdoor cafe sipping a cool beer, all my worries have gone away!!
We were quite lucky at the border crossing as we`d heard people have been robbed or had to bribe the police man to keep them safe. Good to know you can always trust the police!!
We`ve just spent today sorting out our time here as we only have unitl the 15th July before we fly to Columbia. Tomorrow evening we are heading into the amazon rainforest for 4 days staying in a traditional jungle lodge and hopefully we will get to see lots of cool animals. Then we`re going to head down south slightly to Tena which is the capital of white water rafting in Ecuador. Then it`s back to Quito by the 14th ready for some Caribbean sun!!
Will try and post the Machu Pichu photos before we leave.
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