Nicola and Max's Travels
Bula from Fiji!! Which means hello in Fijian!
We arrived in lovely sunny Fiji and met up with Yvonne for our girly holiday and rest from the hard job of travelling the world!! We headed out to the island Mololo sailing past beautiful white sand, palm tree lined islands on clear blue water!
Walu Beach our resort for 7 days was brilliant! The hardest thing we had to do all week was decided what to have for lunch and whether to read or sleep by the pool for the day! Although we did have 153steps up to our room at night just to make you all feel better!! The staff were really friendly and knew our names by the third day and came up with some really unusual evening activities! Frog and crab racing and arm wrestling competitions and of course Kava ceremonies! Kava is the local drink made form tree root powder and is made by rinsing a bag of Kava (looks like washing dirty socks) with water until the mud coloured Kava is strong enough. Tastes like perfumed wood and makes your lips tingle but not too bad tasting! In return we taught the staff and some Kiwi ladies some ceilidgh dancing, bit hot for that sort of jumping around though!!
Max decided to do her diving course and got to see lots of funky fish including a box fish (actually square and apparantly tastes good) and a turtle! Usually turtles run away so it was really good to see this one float about and eat for a while, bit clumsy though cause it kept falling over! Yvonne and Nic did some snorkling and saw lots of fisheys too but Nemo was in hiding...
We all left the island feeling very sad as the staff sang their goodbye songs on the jetty but back to reality...
Wish we were there...
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