Hello - you jammy traveller person. We are pregnant in Carloway - love Ellie and Stu
hold on, your map says youre currently in north east australia, and that cyclone larry just passed thorugh there didnt it?! that must have been well exciting! news says no one was hurt so i trust youre okay x give me an email though, tell all
Tim J
Ya jammie skitter!! It's just gone 2pm and i'm stuck in an office surrounded by four walls, uncleaned coffee mugs and a pile of patient notes, wanna swap!???? take care max and keep up the good work!
Tim J
Dav The Rav
Hey umbungo hows it goin, diving looks great hopefully i will get to give it a go sometime, mum and dad told me bout the turtles too bet that was class x
hey max. you'll be glad to hear my upset tummy (?!!?) is much better now, but my flat is still in a state of disrepair. so sorry i couldn't get down to silly chips to catch up. latest photos are fab, looking tanned and lovely!! speak sn and bag me a man as well. cb x
Hi Maxene, just looked at the pics. - fantastic. The turtle reminds me of someone and am sure it will come to me soon. Off today but sadly not relaxing on the beach. Will speak soon. Love, Mum.
Hi max looks like you are having a great time and the photos are brill too,i take it you are not comeing back to live here then but congrats on getting in to med school.Enjoy the rest of your trip and when you get back we will have to catch up and i will cook us a feast all the best mate and take care off yourself love dawnie.
Auntie Anne
Hi Maxene
it was so brilliant to have you stay with us ...congrats on your succcessful visit
hope you enjoy the rest of your travels you are going to see such wonderful things on this leg of your holiday
you will have the best time.............make the most of it and send lots of photos to us boring folk back home!
love from t a t n xx
Hi, Maxene glad you arrived back safe, you would love the weather here this week, getting colder by the minute, not that you will be too sad basking in the sunshine. Dont forget to fill the phone!
Hi Nicola, hope you are having a good time? I think you are on your way to Melbourne today. Have fun, I like Melbourne lots. I went to aquarium and tallest building in Melbourne to get a good view over the city and went to the beach to view the little penguins. You can also do a trip to Neighbours street!? Have fun and look foward to catching up on your return.
hey nick, cant wait till u cum home. dad got ur txt 2day and is goin 2 do that soon. i was in the libbrary with dad this mornin and met someone. dad says he 'thinks' it is jennifer and she is excited cos ur cumin home. she says sorry 4 not stayin in touch. see ya sssooonn Becca xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Apex International
Hey Max, From the photos and e-mails looks like your having a fantastic time. Keep up the good work! xxx