Sucre is the judical capital of Bolivia.
Such a lovely city. We spent a week there just chilling out, eating in places not too different than home (including one really good chinese meal) and enjoying the weather. It doesn´t feel very Bolivian but it is so there, its ok to mooch like tourists for a week and not be challenged too much. It is clean, pretty and friendly. Loads of people stop to take language lessons there so stay a while.
Actually we booked into a four star hotel for the pricely sum of 36 pounds a night as a birthday treat, sweet! Huge room with a lovely courtyard, cable so muchos TV including wimbledon and lots of films, posh ha!
Apart from eating and drinking we went to a weaving musuem (checking out my herritage) which was shut, but we watched a really interesting video about a small project aiming to and succeeding in recovering the art of weaving within the variety of indiginous cultures around the city. Each had their own style and the women learnt again how to weave with instruction from the grannies of the community. Slowly they got better and are now producing amazing traditional weavings for sale. We really wanted one but getting it back seemed to tricky. The project supplied the wool and sold the products for the families. The skill is top class, one large weaving can take three months. You can buy loads of reproductions but you get to see what is the real deal, hand woven. A job for me when I get back maybe, surely there must be some genetic advantage......
Also went to a museum that showcases indiginous art, saw a collection of carnaval masks, completely different depending on the region but all a little freaky and some propery Mighty Boosh stylie!
Saw the dino footprints too, how bizarre.
We have met people along the way who said Bolivian foot is pants and you eat to not be hubgry! Not sure where they went but we have been eating amply, still! Lots of non Bolivian foot available like pizza, mexican and that chinese, plus good sarnies, omlettes, chips etc. Had some more authentic food on the salt flats tour including something along the lines of ´platos macho´- steak, sausage, toms, onion, peppers, eggs, cheese, on top of chips with a tasty gravy, mmmmmm. Also street food is good, you can get a glass of fresh juice easily on every corner and they are big on fruit shakes, any fruit you fancy blended with milk or water, so good.
What percentage of this blog is based on food? Man alive, too greedy!
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