Hello girls - just wishing you a "Happy Easter" hope you can find some chocolate to treat yourselves!
Speak to you again soon - we've got snow forecast here, guess you're also heading for chilly areas.
Stay safe, keep warm - Lots of love 'n xxxxxxxxxs
Janine And Angela
Hi there, sounds like you are having a ball, same old same old here. Janine had a bit of bad news, Chris's mum has passed away, she found the body, poor thing.
We are going on an end of term booze up tomoprrow night, we will have a couple for you!
Take care, be safe and have loads of fun.
Angela and Janine
Hey there,
Looks like you had a brilliant time in India with only a few hiccups and saw everything you wanted to. Have a great time in Nepal, I know you will and good luck on the walk to Base Camp, take it nice and easy and you'll have no problems.
Lots of love xxx
P.S. Glad you're better now Nic, too much of a gent to mention you're problem Caroline!
Hello Caroline - pleased to hear Nic better and that you did not succumb - though guess your other problem is related and quite uncomfortable! Not much to report here, just chilling out, recovering well - not been out much due to poor weather. Enjoying reading your messages and following your journey via pictures etc. All missing you loads xxx
Hi Nic - sounds as though your really having a great time. A tiger is a tiger whether sleeping or not. How did you both get on with the rats? missing you lots. Dad xxx
Good Morning Ladies from bright sunny Heckmondwike.
It all sounds brilliant!
That Temple in Ranahpur sounds just up my street - by the way, if you're interested, thats 1 column for every 3.6sq yard of floor space.
Hurry up with the photos - cant wait to check them out.
Hope you're both well and Keep on chillin!
Lots of love. Richxxx
ps When you were in Jodhpur did you see lots of people wearing long boots?
Aunty Nic, what's the karma sutra?
I'm missing you lots, nobody else round here is chilled and cool like you, I tell ya it's a hard life.
Love Oscar x
PS, I'm still not crawling but I'm nearly there and I'm talking more - you've gotta get a word in edge ways in this house!!
Mum,dad N Gran
Good to hear fromyou again - so glad that you managed to see the tiger, must have been amazing! Looking forward to your next update and more photos - missing you ....
Take good care, lots of love xxx
Hey there,
You got to see a tiger in the wild, nice one. Now you can write a study thesis for the school kids eh Caroline!!! Sounds like you are still having a great time, jealous as hell, bet Taj Mahal looks amazing. Enjoy the Karma Sutra temple...
Take care of each other.
Lots of love xxx
Emma T
Glad you are still enjoying your trip - Nic you back at work on Monday?!? It's been strange without you, does feel like you should be back on Monday so going to feel stranger. Lisa finished today too, then it's Sharon next week - strange times ahead!!
Keep up with the blog love hearing what you are up to. Have fun, miss ya. Ems xx
Just worked this messaging out!!! Thought I'd sent one already. never mind. It looks fantastic -dad is wishing he was with you and keeps telling me about all the places you have visited! Glad all going well. Missing you take care Mum XXXXX
I think you're spending way too much time on the internet........
........ only joking. sounds and looks like you are having a well fun time. not gonna comment on the tans yet as you have only been away for a week or so. have fun x