Well well well....the first two games seemed to have gone swimmingly!!! Although, I must say, I think it's the first I've ever watched an Ireland game, at midnight, with half naked girls dancing on the bar!!! Another 'experience' to add to the list!
No comment!!!
Andi J
Cheeky outside bet to collect the wooden spoon I think! I've got my Italian shirt out of my bag and I'm cheering on the Azzuri tonight (midnight kick off, what's that all about?). Italy for the 6 Nations!
Andy B
Now I get it... you're a bit confused on the order of events here. First was the toad racing, someone perhaps took a cheeky lick, and sure enough, there was the hallucination of the dress. It just took a while to piece the information together in your head!
As a paid-up skirt-wearer, I can't really talk about dresses. But go Scotland! Cheeky outside bet for 6Nations this year I think...
Michelle & John
Now Nichola don't get carried away 1 dress a year is fine to start with. It took me 11yrs after my wedding dress to buy a new dress! And I haven't got the courage up to wear it yet.
So if you wear it before 2018 you will still have beaten me!!!
Love Big Sis
Andi. What can I say? Such a shock for you so early in your marriage. Are you SURE it was a dress. Maybe it was a designer wet suit. Crikey, swimming in the SEA and buying a DRESS all in the one week. The best advice I can offer is - have a pint of Guinness and pray (prayer is optional). I'll be thinking of you.
And Nichola. Don't worry. It doesn't make you a bad person. You know we still love you.
Love Dad
Andrew!!! Stay Calm!!!
I am astounded by your news. Photographic evidence is required to validate your claim that Nichola has purchased an above the knee dress!! Has she been hit on the head at all during your trip? Been in the sun too long? I'm very concerned with this out of character behaviour! I have been looking on Sky news but reports do not appear to have reached England as yet. When they do I'll tape it for your return.
Hopefully it's just a passing phase . If you are really worried she's turning into a "proper girl" then I have two tests for you to do;
1, Throw her a ball - rugby ball, football, even a netball - if she catches it you're fine, if she doesn't or breaks a nail start getting worried. This leads nicely onto point number 2.
2. Check her bags - if there is more than one bottle of nail varnish in there then you've had it!!! ha ha
Enjoy your last few days of Aus.
G'Day Possums
My god Nichola. Swimming in the big bad briney. What next? Well done. Sounds like you've had a fabulous time recently with all the wild life (that includes Andi of course). Bangor Bay will be a doddle after all this.
Enjoy what's left of Oz. And then get ready to see what "All Black" country has in store for you guys.
Love Dad.
Michelle & John
Happy Birthday Andi
Just to Let You Know that the Guiness Team have sent you a voucher for a free pint for your birthday but don't tell Dad as he will want one too.
Really enjoying the blogs and photies. We are starting to get geared up for the six nations which of course IRELAND will at least beat ENGLAND even if they don't win the tournament.
Talk soon
Ange And Tom
Hey both
BTW, cheers for the Christmas postcard and email, forgot to mention that in our HNY email!
Your trip looks amazing so far, other than the hotel in Delhi I think it was, you're both clearly hardier travellers than we'd ever make, I'd have been straight back out the door!!
Been having a peek at your photo's and really like the look of the South of India (here's hoping my geography is right!), particularly Goa and the other beach resort you were at - how hot was it over Dec? Might have to sample a bit of that in the near future!
Take care and keep enjoying
All done! Tune in next week for another update. Currently in Airlie Beach but will log on again when we reach Cairns. Take care.
The lines were back on - and then they went off again! So most of the photos are now on, just need to finish off tomorrow. Right we're off to get food and then look forward to not sleeping on the overnight bus for 11 hours, great fun. Bye for now!