Uncle Nev I think you SHOULD complain, your daughter appears to be taking the proverbial piss out of you :L
As one of the "phantom" winners, I am seriously considering lodging an official complaint with the Office of Fair Trading for a breach of promise. I thought it was only the TV companies that hoodwinked their unsuspecting competition entrants. Some people will do anything to get out of issuing a prize. It is only our longstanding friendship that prevents me from taking this serious matter through official channels. Take care. Dad
Nic And Andi
Right ladies and gentleman. The husband and wife combo have been deliberating over the last 48 hours and have come to a decision. It was a very close call (even if certain English entries were late! Tut tut, but we're all friends here and will overlook it!). The judges final decision is that a 'first place' should be rewarded as joint winners. A big congratulations goes to Mr Nevin McMillen for his entry of Morrison (Mo) and to Mr John Fraser for his chewing gum entries (namely Orbit). However, I must take this opportunity to express that the 'first place' is not indeed the first place winner, as we have decided that Grandpa Smurf is far more fitting (and we've kind of got attached to it now) but indeed, as you will rightly know from your beloved rugby and football games, that second place is indeed the 'first loser'- so at least you came first at something! Your certificates will be in the post shortly. Thank you to all participants for your entries. We have bought two mascots for the van however a competition will not be held for the naming of these, as we've already done it - during a really really long drive from the Northlands! Pictures are to follow shortly along with the next blog in a few days. Nic. x
Mum Kath
Can we change number 5.Blueberry to bluebell? It was Dot's typing error.
Mum Kath (And Dot =D)
Because the van is blue and white, (can we have a few entries please?)
2. Cloud
3. The Jarvis love Van
5. Blueberry
(Dot's entries)
4. Sheila
5. Blueberry
Hope you find these as amusing as we did!
Well thank you England and Norn Iron for your entries! I will consult with my husband (still not used to that) and after discussing the suggested names, over a beer of course, we shall announce the winner on this message board (..... Now over to Terry Wogan for the commentary, complete with sarcastic remarks, I hope! )
Hello!! Sorry havnt been in touch for a while its just that life in Stanley, County Durham is sooooooo exciting I didnt want to make you jealous!!!!! Your wheather looks good, but we have had snow wind rain fog and I have had to scrape the windows every morning so there!!!
No really, you look like this trip is everything you wanted it to be! Its me who is jealous. Take care, Anne, xxx
Michelle & John
Here are the belfast entries for the naming of the van. Un like dad I have decided that John can also enter his sugesstions here goes
John's entries
Extra after the blue and white chewing gum or Orbit also after chewing gum
Michelle's entries
The Honeymoon Hutch
Hangi After all it looks as if you will cook in that van so why not name it after the traditional Maori way of cooking
A builder's van, eh? I hope it didn't come complete with the famous "builder's cleavage". And if it did, no photographic evidence is required, unlike that for the dress, which Justine has rightly requested.
Now for some names.
Morrison (after "VAN the man"). A bit deep that one. You could always call it "MO" for short.
And since it is such a luxury vehicle, what about "Ritz" or "Hilton"?
Or "Maoria"
I have taken the liberty of submitting more than one name since there was no rule prohibiting multiple entries. Nichola, mum wanted her name added to this but I said "No way Jose". There's a prize at stake here. It's that same competitive spirit that will see Ireland come good in the 6 Nations. By the way Andi thanks for the "good" tip re Scotland.
I was thinking of entering under a pseudonym because no doubt WHEN I win the competition there will be screams of "Fix, fix" from the mere mortals out there.
And I think that the certificate , suggested by Justine,, should also be framed.
Now I'm off down t'pub to see how the aforementioned Irish competitive spirit will manifest itself against a very lucky France(I know, I know. You don't have to tell me).
In view of recent "girly" activities - ie "the dress" (which we are all still waiting for photographic evidence of by the way) may I suggest you name your van "SMURFETTE".
As well as a prize I would also like a signed certificate. Thank you. (obviously needs to be laminated too!!)
7 weeks in the back of a van!!!! ha ha ha!!!!!
Michelle & John
Nikki I Know WE Won but there was NO need to get Half Naked and dance on the bar even if no one Kows you out there a bit of Irish modesty Please!!!
And As for the Wales V England match what can we say.... All was going terribly but then Go Wales Go!! But it's still IRELAND for the 6 Nations.