Hi There. Well, as I write this I know that you are in London, back in John Bull land (although I am more interested in John Smith).
Glad you've survived. Just a quick thanks for helping all us mortals be a part of the adventure through all the blogs and emails. They were all very interesting, very informative and very entertaining. Thanks for taking the time and making the effort. See you guys in just over a week. Enjoy France.
And Andi, I think that you and I should have a serious man-to-man talk about this netball thing. What are you like?
Love Dad
Well. you're on the last round up now guys. But crikey, you've certainly put in one hell of a lot of travelling and gathered a hell of a lot of memories. Looking back over all the photos, it's hard to believe that you started out 6 months ago and have done all that you have. Do you ever have to pinch yourselves?
But as Andi said in one of the blogs "Don't be sorry that it's coming to an end; be glad that you've done it". It'll be great to see both your ugly mugs again in just over a week.
Andi, the main differences I can think of between a tortoise and a turtle. A turtle is bigger and amphibious. And you can't get a Ninja Tortoise.
Love Dad
Apparently the hostel in San Fran is called the green tortoise not the green turtle. Now if anyyone knows the difference, please feel free to enlighten us....
Hi guys. Sorry, it looks like some of the photos haven't uploaded very well. Modern technology eh? And cause we've photos all over the place (cds, different memory cards) that's why we keep adding pictures bit by bit to different albums. Anyway, hope you're still liking all the photos!?!
Nevin - I am pleased to hear you have received your certificate, I hope it has been laminated and framed as previously discussed!!! However I am disappointed to hear you tried to keep John's certificate from him. I don't believe you "forgot" for one second!! ha ha
Nikki and Andi - the last lot of photos are great!! Fiji looks fantastic. Keep them coming!! Our geography lessons are going well!!! x
OOPS!!!! Admission coming up. John, the Intrepid Jarvo Duo actuallyy DID send your certificate along with mine. But it is so valuable that I have been busy all this time trying to get insurance cover and book Securicor to maximise safe delivery.
TRUTH - I forgot. Sorry Jarvos for any slight this may have caused to your character and integrity.
Michelle & John
OK what is this about one of the compo winners getting their certificate. As joint winner i feel that it is only just that i to should receive a certifacate! I did not want to have to join Nevin in the legal battle ad i felt that it was pointless and not good to do within the family but my inner child is screaming " If he got one I want one too" So i feel for the sake of family harmony that you should for me a certificate.
Well the home stretch is well under way and as we just miss you in New York we will have to catch up over the summer. I can't wait to see all the photos and hear all about your adventure, I suppose that i had better start baking your favourate buns and cakes because it would appear that it could take more than a few hours.
Fiji sounded like a wonderful adventure (yet another one). Well you're on the final lap now, so pack in what you can guys. I'm sure you're not really looking forward to coming back but it will be good to see you. And just think Nichola; you'll be back in time for the cricket season. Oh, by the way Justine, I eventually did get my certificate for the Van Compo. It was a Heath Robinson DIY job but at least the thought was there. I think all the talk of potential legal action did the trick. Thanks for the support.
Elaine Mcmillen
Hey how you both doing. Can't believe you are actually coming home soon. It seems like no time since you hace gone. Can't believe michelle is going to nyc either to meet you how jealous am I!!! Well your not missing anything in norn ireland although the weather has been good the last few days. Only problem is I am boiled since I am in a cast to me elbow. Got drunk fell over and broke my arm. Nic are you proud of me or wat. I really am the classiest mcmillen ever!!!!!! Have fun on the rest of your journey loads of pics of america please.
Love me xx
Andy B
Man, the only sample of Fiji I get was the "Down Exiles" team at the Carrickfergus 7s. But they didn't win!
Will be a bit of a culture shock in the USA I bet - enjoy it..?
Knights v Leeds Akkies Saturday, away, bit of a bus trip - the new season's fully underway.. but Spellsy says don't hurry back (and more things not printable here)!
Safe journeys...
Just had a wee look at the site. Fantastic - very jealous. You are both so lucky. Spoke to your Dad the other day Nikki, he was trying to cram in all the details of your trip in about 3 minutes - I couldn't get away from him:-) Look after Nikki for us Andi, see you both soon
Stewart Knowles
Hi there both of you, many thanks for the postcard from New Zealand. Hope things are good in Fiji and California. The weather is forced to be better than here, cold and wet. Look forward to seeing you when you arrive home. God bless Stewart and Sandra