More.....trying to catch up with myself
2nd Jan - Faffed about in the morning doing nothing in the flat, just watching TV. Well Australian TV anyway, which have the more adverts in their shows than any other country i've been to, and they're awful. They remind me of public access tv, like someone's just gone and bought a camera and then sent it into the TV station. After getting frustrated with Australian TV, i decided to go cool down on the beach. On the beach i sat on my own, near 2 girls (i soon realised i think i'd sat uncomfortably close, as i could hear every word they were saying....Johnny's a d*** apparently?). Splashed about in the sea, like a flailing sea, contemplated fake shark attack, but thought they'd frown upon it, before cousin came down with his new board and he went of and did some very professional 'floating', before suggesting pub. So we went to the Surf club, where Adam had to register (Surf clubs are kind of like cricket clubs, or rugby clubs back home) as a member, i then had a wardrobe problem, apparently your not allowed to wear sleevless tops in there on a Sunday (it was like 2:30pm????). However, i didn't have to go home, they had these lovely XL Hawaiian t-shirts that you could borrow, so naturally i got excited over the thought and then looked more at home with on a street corner in LA, selling ecstasy, i decided against the new business venture and thought i'd just drink a bit. Then proceeded to drink all day at this incredibly busy place, its a common thing in Oz apparently, for people to go out at 1pm, get steaming drunk by 8pm, go home, eat, sleep then feel right as rain Monday morning for work...i may try introduce it to the UK.
3rd Jan - Last day in Surfers, my cousin took me to Springbrook national park, where we hiked through rainforest like bush to see this incredible view of New South Wales. This 'NEW' south wales, is pretty good they've even got the weather spot on, murky clouds with spots of drizzle, but with some glorious views. The rest of my day wasn't intersting i just packed, trying to figure out if stuff smelt bad enough to throw in the wash yet or not, sorting out accommodation etc for my next stop Byron Bay.
4th Jan - So off to Byron Bay today, will miss surfers, have really enjoyed it. It can be quite pretentious at times but met some cool people, if you ever get there, don't take yourself seriously and don't turn into one of the pretentious ass'. Got dropped off at my bus, where i discovered quickly that a message that was supposed to go through to the driver in the morning to book me accommodation....hadn't, and so i currently had no where to sleep tonight. This is because Byron is currently bottle necking due to the floods up north. So every backpacker wanting to travel north is staying in Byron!!! Luckily enough my bus driver was a star and felt bad that it was his company that give me false hope, so offered his couch in his accommodation...legend!! So could only stay in Byron for one night, where as most people stay a few days normally. I got there and it was absolutely rammed!! I was kind of glad i couldn't stay there, it was waaaaaay too busy. This is notoriously a 'hippie' town, no shoes worn (win!) but full of backpackers, living their dream of being a hippie and pretending to not care about material goods for like a few days. Was kind of glad i couldn't stay, it reminded me of a hippie version of Camden, good in small doses, but alot of fakes that will annoy you after a while!! The town does have its locals, who are characters, and tend be stoned most the time, i'm assuming the architect of the place must have been stone, there was one roundabout that was just a general splat, not round at all and so made for interesting driving!! That night was supposed to meet up with some people from my bus, but none turned up except me and the driver, however, the north bus was there. So, latched on with them for the night, dancing like and idiot and having this ginger girl attach herself to me all night, because i had a 'ginger lover' tshirt on (i know i brought it on myself!!)
Next stop is Spot X Surf camp!
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