Haleliwia am wythnos . . . . . .
Reit, ma gymaint wedi digwydd fel mai haws ydi newid strwythyr y blog i fod fel dyddiadur!!!!
Dydd. Sul
Cyrraedd karon, a disgyn mewn caridad hefo'r lle yn syth . . . yn enwedig yr ystafell. Yr hostel . . . na, hotel. (wir). O ganlyniad penderfynnu aros 2 noson ychwanegol yma, i roi cyfle i fwynhau'r ardal yn iawn!! Mynd am grwydr o gwmpas pentre Karon cyn trefnu gweithgareddau . . . . gwely cynnar i baratoi am yr wythnos on blaenau!!!! hehehe.
Dydd Llun.
Y bws mini yn cyrraedd am 7.30 y bore i'n cymryd i ganol nunlle, hihi. Dod i derfyn wrth adeilad pren, ar afon yn rhuthro heibio oddi tano. Y dillad yn cael 'u cyfnewid am helmet a siaced achub, a dyma ni, yn rhoi un troed nerfus i mewn i'r gwch, oedd newydd gael ei chwythu fynu, gan glywed y guides yn wwoooooian wrth ein gweld yn dringo i mewn.
Un padl yr un, cyn gwthiad bach sydyn i ganol yr afon . . .a woosh i lawr a ni (disgrifiad Lisa) i ganol y cerrynt gwyn. Waw - gwych - gret - anhygoel . . . . . Lisa'n hedfan o gwmpas y rafft fel doli glwt gan adael y gwaith o rwyfo i'r gweddill ohonan ni!!!! Mae cleisiau ganddi i brofi, a muscles hefo fi!!! ;p
Ar ol cinio sydyn o fwyd thai traddodiadol, i mewn a ni i'r pick up truck, (sori Lows ddim mitsubushi odd o) ac 'up a mountain - eto' dringo am chydig, a chael un o'r hogie yn cymryd fy mag i'w gario drostai. Cyrraedd pwll naturiol yn y mynydd hefo rhaeadr bendigedig. I mewn a ni, Lisa yn hollol i'r rhaeadr, Nia yn agos, dringo dors y creigiau cyn neidio o uchder i mewn . . .gweler y llunie!!!!
A gorffen yr adventure day ar dop eliffant, ddim angen dweud dim mwy - edrychwch ar y llunie . . ond er gwybodaeth, full moon (yn thai) oedd enw'r eliffant 14 mlwydd oed! roedd y guide yn rhy brysur yn ein holi a thynnu llunie i ni gael gwybod mwy!!
Dydd Mawrth
I'r traeth, ac yn wir, traeth go iawn. tywod poeth, dwr glas cynnes, bat a phel wedi'n hamgylchynnu gan fynyddoedd, gwyrddni ac awyr las . . . . anhygoel.
Golles i Lisa yn llwyr gyda'r nos (yn feddyliol ddim corfforol) wrth ymweld a fantasea. Yn wir, am chydig oriau, roedd Lisa'n wir feddwl mai tywysoges mewn byd ffantasi yr oedd hi. Bwyd buffet ddigon i fwydo Cymru gyfan wedi'i gynnig i ni mewn bwyty anhygoel o dlws. Gweld teigar gwyn, neidar, cyb teigar (Lisa wedi ei fwytho wrth iddo basio yn sydyn, lwcus ar ol i ni wrthod talu am lun!!) a nifer o siopau a stondinau digon o sioe. Son am sioe, uchafbwynt y noson heb os oedd y sioe ei hun yn dilyn chwedl kamala a'i eliffant hyd - sydd yn wraidd i arwyddocad yr eliffant yn thailand. doedd dim modd tynnu lluniau o ganlyniad i'r defnydd helaeth o piro technics, tan gwyllt ac eliffantod byw, chwarae teg i ni, wedi prynu llyfr yr un i chi gael blas ar yr hyn y gwelsom.
Dydd Mercher.
Codi'n gynnar eto, am 6 i ddal y bws mini i'r harbwr er mwyn dal yr angel cruise i ynys phi phi (ynganu pipi). Gweld ynysoedd a thraethau godidog, sydd wedi cael eu harddangos mewn sawl ffilm a fu megis, James bond a the beach. Y llong yn dod i stop, a'r dillad yn cael eu colli eto wrth wisgo'r siaced achub ac erbyn hyn snorkel ac i mewn a ni i'r mor. Lisa chydig yn nyrfys gan bod miloedd oi bysgod yn cael eu hatynnu at y bara oedd yn cael ei daflu. . . . aros am dipyn ir pysgod gyrraedd, ac yn wir pan y gwnaethant gychwyn, doedd dim stop . . . . dim stop ar lisa chwaith wrth idi wneud ei ffordd allan o'r pwll pysgod - chwarae teg, gwnaeth bara yn dda!!!!
Neidio allan o'r mor i mewn i ganoe . . . . ac wrth dodjo y nofwyr gwneud ein ffordd at y monkey beach. Ac oedd, roedd mwnciod ar monkey beach!!!! Nol i'r llong / cwch / llong . . . . a Lisa'n mynd am sgowt at y capten . . . gwenu'n ddel, ar peth nesa Lisa'n gweiddi "Nia llun . . dwin dreifio'r cwch!!!" ac wir, yr oedd hi. Tro Nia wedyn. . . . ac yn wir, gadawodd y capten i fynd a sefyll tu allan i'r cabin. Sylwer ar y llun or tri llong . . . . pa un y gwnaethom yrru??? Atebion ar y message board plis!!!
Wrth droedio o gwmpas phi phi, cwrdd a mwnci, ai berchenog, a hithau'n gadael i ni ei ddal . . ar ein hysgwyddau . . . .Lisa'n mynu ei ddal fel babi!! waw!! Breuddwyd Nia wedi dod yn wir!!! Mynd am mockteeel ac yn wir wrth eistedd ar lan y mor yn joio'r olygfa y glaw trymaf yn ein taro! wedi blino'n lan ar y ffordd yn ol, wrth wylio mr bean ar y llong (na, wedi blino gormod i'w yrru!!!!) Gorfod eistedd i mewn o ganlyniad i'r storm . . ond sylwer ar luniau o'r tonnau . . . ac o Lisa druan bach yn cysgu'n drwm!!!!
Cyrraedd nol, a chillio go iawn, mynd am dro a phenderfynnu cael blas o'r dwyrain gan fwyta pizza. Y glaw bellach, erbyn hynny wedi cyrraedd Karon hefyd! Ac yn wir, dal i fwrw bore 'ma hefyd. Wedi bod yn andros o lwcus hefo'r tywydd wrth wneud yr holl anturiaethau!!!
A dyna ni, mynd am dro i Patong heno, a dal awyren cynnar ymlaen i Singapore fory . . . . . . trist fydd gadael, ond mae'r ddwy ohonan yn sicr o ddod yn ol rhwybryd yn y dyfodol!!!
Edrych ymlaen rwan i gael cwrdd a theulu yn Singapore. :D
Hwyl a haul,
Sgityl a L.S
Hello Hello
Ok, a lot of things to say, little time, little room . . . . . . This will be written diary style I'm afraid!!
We arrived. (:D) And fell in love with the place, especially the hostel . . . no hotel. We decided quite early on that we wanted to stay an additional few nights to the 3 we'd aleady booked. we added two, giving us almost a week to explore, recharge batterys and just enjoy the area!! Having strolled through the local village of Karon, we arranged the week ahead . . . . .
The mini bus arrived 7.30 to take us to the middle of nowhere . . . . hehe . . . . we stopped by a wooden hut, with a river flowing just beneath it. Off came the clothes, substituted by a helmet and life jacket. We gingerly walked to the bottom level of the hut, handed a paddle each and to the sound of wwoooo from the blokes who'd just blown the rafft up . . got into it. A quick push and we were in the river, riding the white current . . . . . . Lisa was thrown about like a rag doll, as the rest of us worked hard to paddle . . . she has the bruises as proof . . I have now got the muscle as proof of my work as well . . . hehe.
Following a lovely Traditional Thai meal we were bundled into a pick up truck and taken 'Up a mountain' again. Following a short trek, where one of the blokes carried my bag for me . . . we stood looking at a natural pool created by the mountain water, flowed into it by a waterfall. Amazing . . . In we went, both getting the opportunity to stand under the waterfall . . . . Lisa managing to get right to the back of it, then a jump into the pool itself from great height! the girls were no doubt teaching the lads of the group something about having bottle and guts.
And so, the day finished with a ride on a 14 year old elephant, named 'full moon' in Thai. No words can express it, the day even, so please view the pics . . . . .
To the beach. And a proper beach, with hot sand, blue water, a bat and ball surrounded my mountains and blue skies . . .amazing.
I lost Lisa that night, not physically, but mentally. for a few hours, she thought she was a princess in a fantasy world. We had a buffet dinner with enough food to feed Wales, in a fantastic venue, we saw a white tiger, a snake, fish, and even a tiger cub (which lisa managed to pet for a second as it was carried past) an array for shops and stalls, and the show itself was just something else. based on the Kamala tale and his magic elephant, it was just great!!
Early start again today, with the mini bus picking us up at 7.00am to take us to meet the angel cruise ship which was to take us to PhiPhi island. We were firstly taken on a cruise around some spectacular islands and beaches, some of which have made appearances in films such as 'the beach' and 'James bond'. The ship came to a stop, and off came the clothes to be replaced by the life jacket and a snorkel. Into the sea we ventured, surrounded by bread . . . . and suddenly the fish came, hundreds of them. Fair play, Lisa lasted well, but as there was no stopping the hungry fish, there was no stopping Lisa as she flew back to the ship deck. And so, as the swimming came to an end . . . .we jamp into a canoe, and working hard not to knock any of the swimmers out, made it towards 'Monkey beach' where there were in fact monkeys on the beach!!!!!!
Back on the ship boat thing, and Lisa decided to go for a stroll to see the captain . . next thing I heard was "Nia, Quick, picture . . . I'm driving" and there she was, driving the ship, boat thing . . . . my turn next, and, I hate to say it, I seem to be a bit of a natural as the captain went and left me to it . . . . my parking has never been my strong point, and so, luckily he came back to take over then!!!! So there's a picture of 3 boat, ship things . . . guess which one we drove . . . answers on the message board please!!
Following another buffet meal we went for a walk around the island, coming accross a monkey and his owner (as you do), the monkey was placed on our shoulders for a quick photo moment, Lisa obviously asking to hold it like a baby . . . I was happy just to fulfill a dream of having a monkey sitting on my shoulder!!!
And so, as we sat on bar stools slurping some mock - cocktails, the rain started . . and by rain, I mean, RAIN. It was amazing. back on the ship, and the tiredness set in (hence why we didnt drive - hehe) as we sat watching mr bean . . . . . Some quick photos of the waves and the sea as we cut through them . . . as well as a cheeky photo of sleepy head Lisa!
we arrived back, and just chilled, venturing out only to go for a nice walk, and a pizza . . . . coming back just before the rain arrived at karon, and it's yet to leave us . . no doubt, we've been lucky with the weather here!!!
And that's it . . . it's been packed, fun packed and now we actually do need to pack, it's sad to move on, it's been amazing here. We're visiting nearby patong tonight, and then an early morning flight to Singapore, where we're meeting family . . . which will be nice!!!
The both of us have said, there is no doubt that a return visit to thailand is a must for the future.....
Sgityl & L.S
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