Dwi'n eistedd ar wely mewn gwesty o hostel yn Phuket . . . . . dwi'n teimlo blinder jyst ar ol bwcio a threfnu y 4 / 5 diwrnod nesa . . ynden ni'n aros dwy noson ychwanegol yma . . . ond mwy am hynny yn y blog nesa! :D
Ambell i air i chi am yr enwog bangkok . . . . . wel, i fod yn onest, blas yn unig or lle y caswom ni. Cyrraedd oriau man y bore i ganol glaw (lyfli) dal tacsi yn dilyn system giwio anhygoel o effeithiol, a chyrraedd yn ddiogel i'r hostel andros gartrefol, oedd i'w weld a dylanwad sbaeneg i'r lle . . . . . . braf iawn. Ond cwsg oedd y gofyn cyntaf.
treulio'r diwrnod cyntaf, ac yn wir yr unig ddiwrnod yn ei chymryd hi'n dawel. Treulio amser yn eistedd ar y balconi (ie, balconi) yn ysgrifennu tra'n edrych allan ar y ddinas (ish). Crwydro wedyn yn dilyn molchi a gwneud in hunain edrych yn ddel. Am unwaith gwynebu taxi's oedd yn gwrthod ein cymryd . . . oherwydd bod y fan roeddem eisiau gyrraedd hefo traffig, ac roedd y meter yn rhedeg ar feilej!!! Llwyddo i ffeindio'r lle yn diwedd, ac wedyn symyd ymlaen i'r bar / clwb adloniant oedd yn cael ei hysbysebu . . . . ordro chydig o gwrw, a hwnwn cyrraedd mewn gwydr peint litr. Bwyd, a'r canu a pherfformio yn cychwyn hefo'r gan "I will always love you" roedd y ddwy ohonan ni wedi'n gwerthu i'r lle!!!! Aros gan wrando ar gyfuniad o ganu dwyreiniol a gorllewinol, yn cynnwys set gan fand jazz byw . . . . cwbl anhygoel!! roedd y lle yn llawn, a pawb yn joio!!
Roedd y gwasanaeth yn anhygoel, ac un peth amlwg rydym wedi ei sylwi ydi bod y bobl yma, er fel y tsieiniaid mor barod i helpu a chynnig gwasanaeth, yn gwneud popeth a gwen ar u gwynebau, unnrhyw beth. Yn syth yn gnweud i rywun deimlon gartrefol.
Y bore olaf, a phenderfynnu mynd am fassage. Meddwl ein bod yn haeddu un ar ol cario hyd at 16kg ar ein cefnau, y thai Massage traddodiadol nes i gael, a massage ysgwydd, gwar a thraed oedd dewis Lisa. Dwi rioed wedi cael fy manhandlo gymaint yn fy mywyd, yn wir ar un pwynt roeddwn yn cwestiynu tybed y byddai modd i mi fod ddigon ystwyth i ymuno hefo'r acrobats yn Shanghai ar ol rhai o'r siapau roeddwn yn cael fy ngwthio i wneud!!! mwynhau yn fawr, profiad anhygoel, ac yn wir, roedd y bag yn teimlo dipyn ysgafnach ac haws iw gario wedyn!!!
A dyna ni, cyrraedd Phuket ganol pnawn!! Fel y dywedais i, blas yn unig o'r lle y cafwyd, a bron iawn y gwelais fwy o'r lle yn yr awyren wrth adael!!!!
Sgityl a L.S
Ok, so I'm lying on a comfortable bed in a hotel of a hostel in Phuket. I'm feeling tired, just by booking the adventures of the next 4 / 5 days . . . yes we've decided to stay an extra 2 nights here . . . . . but I'll tell you more about it in the next blog!!
so a few words about Bangkok for you!! I say a few words . . . thats never the case, but we genuinely only had a small taste of what the City had to offer! we arrived into rain (Lovely!!), got into a taxi, following a very efficient queing method, and arrived at a very homely hostel, which had a very spanish feel to it . . . . a few seconds to just familiarise ourselves before throwing ourself into bed to get some much needed sleep.
Our first and only day started lazily, with us chilling at the hostel. You just couldnt beat sitting on the balcony (yes balcony) writing, looking over the city (ish). We managed to sort ourselves out . . and went off to explore. Coming across the first taxi refusal, due to the density of traffic in the area we wanted to travel to, and due to the fact that the meter ran on milage, we were left having to compromise!! We arrived at this popular point, drank some coffee, answered the questions of a very inquisitive 6 year old and her 13month old baby sister (the parents were there as well!!) and went off in search of a venue boasting a 'great night out'. It didn't disappoint!! having ordered a litre of beer, and some nice seafood salad, the stage curtains opened, and the song 'I will always love you' was belted out!! We were sold, and enjoyed an evening filled with western, and eastern music, including an amazing jazz set performed by a live band! It was great . . . and everybody seemed to be having a good time!!
One thing we have noticed is that, like in china, the people can not do enough to help each other, but they do that with a huge smile on their faces, the smallest thing, we were greeted with a smile, and I can't tell you how good that is!!!
The last morning, and we decided to venture out and try the thai massage!! Well, lisa opted for the more relaxing neck, shoulder and foot massage. I went for the traditional option . . . . I have never been manhandled so much in my life. I swear, at one point I was convinced I'd be able to join the shanghai acrobatic performers, especially with some of the positions I was put in . . . . It was amazing!!! I'm genuinly looking forward to the next wrestling session!! anyone who's intrigued, I'd say go for it, you won't regret it, and without doubt my aching muscles felt so relaxed as I carried my 16kg bag to the airport!!
And that's it. like I said, it was a very brief taster of the City, I probably saw more from the sky as I flew away towards Phuket . . . . . saying that, it is deffinitely a city to return to, even if it's only to witness the friendly nature of it's people.
Sgityl & L.S
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