Henffych well gyfeillion gan ddwy sydd ar 'u glunie wedi blino.
Yn eistedd yn braf ym maes awyr Hong Kong. Wedi treulio dau ddiwrnod anhygoel mewn gwlad / dinas arbennig. I fod yn onest, dydi'r llunie, na geirie yn medru disgrifio bod yma, mewn person (sori!!!)
Felly ers y blog diwetha . . . . . . Cyrraedd Hong Kong am 3 y bore yn dilyn 'traffic conjestion' ym maes awyr Guilin. Yn lwcus rhywsut gwnaeth set y boi odd yn eistedd on blaenau ni dorri, roedd o nol a mlaen ar fy nglunie i fel yo yo. Chwerthin y gwnaethom ni oll. hahaha. wrth adael wedyn, gadael i'r boi yma a'i wraig fynd cyn ni, ac unwaith eto gwenu'n ddel ar ein gilydd, ac felly wrth ddiolch yn gwrtais (fel ym magwyd) i'r hostesses, dyma'r boi yn troi atom i ddechrau sgwrsio. synnu o glywed ein bod yn meddwl cerdded i'r broder cyn dal taxi i'r hostel wedi cyrraedd hong kong . . . . . (fel yr awgrywmwyd yn lonely planet.) "Follow me" meddai'r boi yn hollol dadol, ac i ffwrdd a ni. Yn dilyn taith ar ddau fws a dau daxi (Yn cymryd tua 3 awr i gyd) cyrraedd yr hostel, ac yn syth i'r gwely . . .heb sylwi ar glician anffodus yr air conditioning. (chwarae teg i'r boi, sicrhaodd ein bod yn gwybod yn union lle i fynd, ac hefyd ein bod wedi ffeindio'n ffordd drwy'r immigration yn iawn! - xiexie!!)
Y diwrnod cyntaf mewn gwlad newydd. Ac wrth ddeffro meddwl mai anodd fyddai curo Guilin. . . . ond yng ngeirie L.S "ma'n gyfuniad perffaith o san Fransisco, New York a Llundain . . hefo chydig bach o China wedi ei daflu mewn!!" yng ngeirie Sgityl "Wow". Crwydro yn unig y diwrnod cyntaf, pob man yn gofyn am lun . . boed y golygfeydd godidog o harbwr fictoria, y cerfluniau ffilmaidd, neu'r ser ac oel dwylo o'r enwogion ffilm yn china (fel hollywood). Mynd gam ymhellach a dal yr open top tour bys a chrwydro ymhellach i ganol crombil Kowloon . . . . . Gweld y marchnadoedd bach yn cael eu cysgodi gan enwau mawr fel Armani, Louis Vitton, a Tiffany's . . . ond neb yn sylwi dim.
Mae dylanwad prydain dal yn amlwg yma, er bod Margaret Thatcher wedi bod yn gyfrifol o roi'r wlad yn ol i China yn 1997. Ar ol dweud hyn - mae hin hollol wir beth mae'r tsieiniaid yn ei ddweud . . .one country two systems . . gan fod China yn gomiwnyddol a Hong Kong yn gapitalidd 'capitalists' (dyna ddigon o'r wers daearyddiaeth!!!)
Yr ail ddiwrnod . . . . a throedio ynys Hong Kong. Moment eitha rhyfedd wrth i ddynes fy ngropio wrth roi map o'r ardal!!! Ac yng ngwres yr haul tambaid i ffwrdd a ni ar drip bws o amgylch yr ynys. Gweld y prif atyniadau, yn cynnwys y man lle'r oedd y seremoni swyddogol i roi Hong Kong yn ol i ddwylo ei phobol, ardal soho, a'r tram an cymerodd i frig mynydd yn edrych dros y wlad. treulio amser yn cymdeithsau a rhai enwgogion megis Johnny depp, y beatles, a mel Gibbsson yn madame twwsod, cyn mynd ar daith yn ol trwy ganol y siopau, ac hefyd yn od yr orsaf heddlu ar carcher, oedd i'w gweld dafliad carreg o'r siopau armani, louis Vitton (ayyb).
Yn hollol ddamweiniol wrth edrych am fwyd gweld y sioe olau fwya dros yr harbwr (os ydech eisiau tystiolaeth o'i fawredd - edrychwch yn y guinnes book of records). hefo goleadau spot yn dawnsio yn y wyrdd a gwyn i gerddoriaeth oedd yn atseinio o'r speakers oedd yn amgylchynnu'r harbwr. Holllol anhygoel. bwyd wedyn mewn tafarn wyddelig . . . . . blas o adre!!
Heddiw wedyn, ymweld a'r amgueddfa ofod a chelfyddyd, cyn bwyta hufen ia, ai gwneud hi am y maes awyr . . . gadael ddigon cynnar (rhag ofn bydd problem) a chyrraedd / checkio mewn a chael gwared or bagiau 5 awr yn gynnar!!! a wel!!!
A dyna ni gyfeillion. mae L.S wedi mynd a fy ngadael i weld y siopau lawr grisiau wrth i mi gyfieithu hwn. peidiwch a phoeni . dwi wedi cuddio'r credit card!!!!!!!
Llawer o gariad,
Sgityl a L.S
O.N Y rheswm ein bod ar ein gluniau . . . . roedd gan yr air con dueddiad o glicio yn afreolaidd. Ac er ymdrechion L.S i'w dagu, (ac ymdrech Sgityl wrth droi'r switch i ffwrdd) doedd dim modd ei atal . . . . . . a chyn i chi ddweud dim, na doedd dim modd cysgu heb ei gael ymlaen!!!!
Well hello!!
this is a very tired Sgityl calling from the Hong Kong international airport!
We have just spent an amazing two days in Hong Kong (hence why we're at hong kong airport). An amazing country, where neither words or pictures can describe it's greatness (sorry!!)
So we arrived at 3 am in consequence to the 'air congestion' at Guilin airport. Luckily for us, the seat of the man sitting in front of me kept breaking . . . so he spent a while yo yo -ing against my knees. We all laughed. As we left, we made way for them to leave in front of us, again smiling courtiously, and as we thanked the stewardesses (as we've been bought up to do!!!) the man started talking to us, asking about our plans, we told him that we were going to walk to the border before catching a taxi to the hostel (as suggested by Lonely planet).He seemed horrified and said "follow me" in a very father like way . . so we did, and two bus rides, two taxi journeys and 3 hours later we were settled at the hostel. A big xiexie to this gentleman and his wife for ensuring that we a) got to the border fine, and also cought the right bus into the heart of Kowloon region.
The first day in a new country, and to be honest neither of us thought it could beat guilin . . . . but, as Lisa pointed out (imagine a very north welshy accent) "it's like a cross between San fransisco, new York and London with a bit of China thrown in as well" In the words of Ni "WOW". We basically spent the first day roaming this new location . . .each blink of an eye offering a photo opportunity . . be it the amazing views of Victoria Harbour, the film statues or the cemented stars of Chinese film celebrities plastered along the floor. We then came across the opportunity to fall deeper into the heart of Kowloon by taking the open topped tour bus. Such a surreal journey, especially seeing the traditional street markets standing strong in the shadows of stores such as Armani, Louis Vitton and Tiffany's. (another) WOW.
Even with Margaret Thatcher handing the reigns back to China in 1997, there is still a strong British feel here. Saying that, what the chinese say is true - One country, two systems, with mainland China communist, and Hong Kong Capitalist (geography lesson over!!!)
Decided to hop onto a ferry taking us to the hong kong island on the second day, and following a quick grope by an old woman handing me a map, we were on our way. In the sweltering heat we sat on the top deck of the bus and rode around the island, seeing historical locations, such as where the official ceremony of the handing Hong Kong back took place, Soho, and the tram which took us to the peak (yes called the peak) which allowed us to look down on this amazing country from great height. We hung out with celebs such as Johnny depp, Mel gibbson, freddy mercury and the beatles (no worries - they were waxed up) before taking the bus back to the harbour, passing the police station and jail, which were situated a few meters away from those big brand shops!!
Somehow, and totally accidental we stumbled accross the record breaking light show at the harbour that evening, with spot lights throwing green and white strobes into the sky to the beat of music which was blasted out of speakers spotted around the harbour. Totally amazing. We ate at an irish bar that night . . giving us a nice taste of home!!!
And then we were here, the last day, following a trip to the hong kong space and art museum . . .and a cheeky ice cream . . . we left this great country early, (incase we had some problems getting to the airport). We didn't and we were checked in and bag less 5 hours early!!! ah well!!!! hehe.
In case you were wondering, the tiredness is down to a clicking air con device, which didnt respond to either violence or being turned off . . . . . . It had a mind of it's own, and somehow last night, decided we werent going to have any sleep!!!
Anyhow, that is all!!!
Take care!!
Sgityl & L.S
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