I'm writing the final chapter of my Vietnamese blog from Hanoi, the capital city. We arrived here on Friday lunchtime, after taking a 3 hour bus ride from Halong Bay.
I thought that Ho Chi Minh City was busy, but this is without doubt the busiest city I've ever been to. The place is at virtual gridlock 24/7, with massive polltion from the millions of scooters and fires being randomly burned everywhere. Even a 'smoggy' can't deal with that level of pollution!
The further North we have travelled in this country, the less civilised the people's behaviour has become. In Hanoi, there is a strong Chinese influence, not only in people's appearance, but also in their behavior. It appears to be perfectly acceptable to piss or spit wherever you want - I've seen guys all over just relieving themselves at the side of the road, at busstops, on the street etc. Last night we went out for our final meal as a group. As we were walking down the street, there was a shop shutter 2/3 closed and some guy started pissing from behind it - right onto the street and onto my left foot! Our group leader Mil says that this is common place in many areas of China. Nice.
We went to a water puppet show, then out for a meal locally on the first night we were here. Yesterday, the common consensus was "get out of this city", so we took a day trip 2 hours away, where we travelled up a river with locals rowing the boats. The scenery was beautiful and we saw Kingfishers diving in the river and birds of prey soaring in the skies.
The boats took us to a landing site at the bottom of a mountain, which led to a cave and the most sacred Buddhist shrine in Vietnam. Although there was a cable car to the top, we decided to take the 4000 steps to the top - a good work out - especially as 3 of us chose to get some exercise and run up most of it! We were absolutely sweltering at the top, but hopefullly it did me some good. I can't wait to get training when I get to Oz (not as much as you though Greg!).
After having our farewell meal in a lovely restaurant last night, it was an early start and on to the airport.
I've really enjoyed Vietnam. This leg of my trip has flown by and I've made some really good friends along the way already. I'm looking forward to chilling out on the beaches of Thailand now, as it certainly wears you down, packing your bags and moving on every 1-2 days. So I'm boarding my flight back to Bangkok shortly. As I'm only there 1 night, I thought I might look for some Thai Kickboxing. Apparently there are a few places that you can watch it, not that i'll be getting involved of course...
I'll be in Koh Samui next time I write. Au revior Vietnam.
- comments
Chris Sounds interesting Neil, but don't think Hanoi will be on MY list of places to visi! However glad you have enjoyed Vietnam.Look forward to the blogs from Thailand but make sure that you chill out some days.Hit those beaches and relax! xx
Grandma Dear Neil, It was very nice to read the stories of your adventure this week Neil.You are having a real experience that you will not forget and I am really glad that you have found some friends to be with you.It sounds as though some of the people are a strange with some of their anti social habits but you have had some interesting experiences. No doubt you are looking forward for a rest on the beaches and then seeing Greg again.Keep sending your stories I am enjoying catching up every Sunday after church.Look after yourself, take care,love Grandma x
Dad Great to hear from you today Neil although I was half asleep when you made the call!You sounded in good spirits although slightly tired.You need to chill out for a few days on the beach and forget about cycling and working out until you get to Oz with Greg.The weather sounds good, I wish it would warm up here,there is another snow forecast for midweek,hope it does not call the Boro game off against Barnsley. I am going to the game with Richard, Chris said that she would rather be at home in the warmth although she is going on Saturday. Grandma sent you another message this morning, she said that you must bring home a comprehensive selection of recipes from around the globe when you get back.Ihave not heard from Greg this week so I will drop him an e-mail tomorrow to check if he is maintaining his fitness programme before the Brisbane marathon. Looking forward to seeing some photos, I will drop you a message about the midweek game,4 matches undefeated,just off the play-offs. Did you know the play-off semi-finals are also at Wembley? Somebody told me that last week at school. Keep in touch,best wishes Dad and Chris x
Greg Now mate. Enjoy the islands. Sure you'll find some kickboxing down there. Phiphi maybe. Dad, I just emailed chris. Off counting beans now. Speak next weekend. Nance- awesome crack! X