Hope you had a great Christmas in Auckland and have a good New Year in Australia.
Let me know where that great place to eat is in Christchurch.
Cheers Sam
Roger & Jan
Hi again
24 December 2008
Just a message to wish you a HAPPY CHRISTMAS and very good wishes for 2009. Our home computer has been kaput for some time but now back in action since our son Toby returned home for the holiday and put it all right, so we can now as of today follow your blog/progress/lives.
Best wishes to you on the next stages of your pellegrinations.
Roger & Jan
Hi Folks
Your photos are great - I especially enjoyed the New Zealand lot - having been over there twice to visit my cousin who stays in Palmerston North..soon to move to Rotorua..the smelly place! Glad your having such a great time.Hope you both have a smashing Christmas and I'll raise a glass or two and toast you guys at New Year
pauline,Daisy and Dexterx
Colin Keers
Hi Neil and Gwen. I've sent an email but unsure if it got thru so I thought I'd try this way. We'd love to see you when in Newcastle and we'd be pleased to show you around your old Tanilba Bay stamping grounds! No trouble if you'd like to stay and we can arrange pick up and delivery! Don't know your itinery but we will be away from the 5th to 12 th January Hope this doesn't clash with your time here. Look forward to seeing you. Regards Colin and Lynley
I see that you have not been having sun all the time during your southern hemisphere summer - mind you it must be hugely better than here where it has been pretty cold a lot of the time. And worse that that is that there has been a terrrible cold/flu doing the rounds which lasts about 3 weeks and knocks you flat.
Tahiti looked beautiful. It must be great to be with old friends in NZ after all that time on your own, although again i noted mention of drizzle!!
Anne And Bill Mckelvey
quite strange reading your blog from wellington and to hear you are visiting exactly the same tourist spots that we did in march this year!
you will enjoy your travels thro' the south island and the scenery around queenstown is beautiful.
Have fun love anne and bill
Glad to see your having a good time and its sunny, lots of snow here, we were off school yesterday. Im just back from trinidad which was amazing, so i too have been enjoying the sun. Speak to you soon love from us all xx xx
Sent you a message some time back but it must have got lost in cyber space. I probably forgot to solve the sum or else got it wrong. Anyway greetings from the frozen North. And you know you should have learned Portuguese - it always comes in handy. Where you off to next after Brazil? Keep well, keep happy, keep going.
Hi there - Your journey continues to fascinate! Great weather here in Wanaka so hurry on down - let me know when you hit NZ.
Dave M
Looks like the pair of you are having a damned fine time. Its college "OpenDay" here and its miserable and overcast. Fancy trading places?
You seem to be progressing through S America at an amazing rate - three countries since I last looked! I am currently reading Patrick Richardson's new book of his travels and believe me you are having it easy!
Diana Wilkinson
Belatedly catching up on all your travels - Gwen looks remarkably sane in the latest photos. I gather from the narrative that you are still more interested in socio-cultural affairs than geography - the US National Parks got rather short shrift I thought. But it all sounds great and possibly life changing.
Love, Diana
PS most of your mail is of the junk variety but you've just rejoined Edinburgh Leisure 'Fitness 60!' for £17.50 - hope that's OK