apologies once again for the delay in updates (meaning this is going to be another big update!)
We entered having been to fish river canyon (the second largest canyon in the world)- which was tres spectacular especially as we watched the sunset on valentines day there and then after a brief overnight at the orange river, including some wine tasting at a local vineyard we finally made it to cape town. Which is large, beautiful and exciting! we firstly did a township tour to some of the more famous townships around cape town, which was very eye opening, and made the hostels we stayed in look like the ritz. we had lunch at a local pub, which was awesome as there was some big street party taking place.
The next day, after failing to go to Robben Island we simply explored the city, which is awesome and has decent shops, loadsa bars and clubs etc. Luckily the next day we were able to go to Robben Island after a cancellation, we did a full tour of the island, seeing cape town from across the bay, touring the prison and seeing mandella's actual cell in the prison. We also had a talk from one of the political prisoners who were there at the smae time as mandella, needless to sayt this was very interesting and worth the sea sickness we got from crossing Table Bay on a very dodgy ferry! we later had a shop round the waterfront, and were reminded of how poor we are!!
Other activities in Cape Town, including an unplanned climb of the Lion's Head (a mountain next to Table Mountain), a ascent of table Mountain (in the cable cars!) which was class as the 'table cloth' (cloud cover) descended on us, A LOT of shopping, A LOT of drinking and nights out, a visit to the suburbs for the lovely beaches (Cliftobn and the very swarve camps bay) and some chilling out! We didnt have nearly enough time there to do everything we wanted to so defo coming back! Also i would like t mention that we had an incident witjh 2 zimbabwean taxi drivers while we were in a very drunken state, this involved the 'trainee' drivr who obv. didnt have a license driving us round the entiure city asking several people where the club was (that he promised he knew) then ging the wrong way down a one way street before getting stopped by security. Needless to say we ended up right bk whre we started but more sober.
We left Cape Town on the Baz Bus to Stellenbosch (the wine region of S.Africa) this place is awesome, we spent all day being driven around from immense and gorgeous vineyard to immense and gorgeous vineyard, drank a ridiculous amount of wine and ate too much cheese, then came back to the town to watch the local rugby and carry on the party. two thumbs up!
Next stop on the Garden Route, was Plettenburg Bay, which is lovely and has some well nice beaches, but is full of rich people and holiday homes so it seemed a little fake! We had a little fiasco getting here as the wheel came off the baz bus' trailer going down the freeway then to top it off the bus wouldnt re-start so we had a 6 hour delay! But This is africa after all.
Then on to Port Elizabeth to chill out on the sea front in a huge pool and hit the casino, and LOSE!
Next was Umzumbe (after a 13 hour drive) which is a cool place, the backpackers is set amidst a banana tree plantation is two mins away from a huge deserted surf beach. we chilled out A LOT here, attempted some body boarding and sun bathed!! I loved it here (Caroline) it was sooo tropical and remote like a proper paradise!
Next we hit Durban- a HUGE, hectic city but loadsa fun. here we went shopping at the famous markets of the Indian Quarter and mooched around the city (which is three times the size of Cape Town!!) and had a class night out on Florida Road. The next day we hit the water park and Marine World!! excellent times to be a big kid again!
Finally we are now in Jo'burg, relaxing, having washing done, eating meat and sleeping a lot at debbie's house, which is beautiful. And yes we have been shown where the guns are.....
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