well, we made it out of africa, no injuries, illness, major losses of luggage or thefts!!! (and no need to use the gun in jo'burg!)
we first hit australia, very jetlagged in Perth. Caroline broke her record and waited till seven hours into the flight to start being sick, a vast improvement on previous flights!! Perth is a very nice city, very clean, spacious etc. but our hostel was AWFUL (ozi inn) but never mind that. on our first day we met rachel (off our africa trip) and went upto King's Park to look over the city and Swan River and then up to the wildlife park that she used to work in were we fed kangaroos and emus, and played with/stroked wombats, koalas, kangaroos, and interestingly took a ride on a camel!!!! then in the evening were treated to a meal from rachel's parents, thankyou!
The next day we went to scarbrough beach, and stumbled across the australia beach volleyball nationals!! and also Clodagh (also, off the africa trip!)... still battling with jetlag we went to bed early and got no sleep in our terrible hostel with shocking room mates!
the next day we took a day trip to Rottnest Island, which is beautiful, the weather was great (which helped) and we spent the whole day cycling the entire circumference of the island (and i think our bums are still sore now!) the island is gorgeous, it has loads of secluded bays and beaches and bays and was an awesome day. that night we battled the jet lag to get a little drunk and watch the Six Nations rugby at 1.15 am!!!! and we only went and lost to Scotland. grr....
The next day we sadly had to leave perth (sad to leave the city not the hostel)... to be continued....
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