Wow! looks lovely. How are you after all your hard work on Fiji your bum and finger must be sore after lying about on a hammock all day taking pictures! Enjoy LA, SF, SD et al. Keep safe and keep blogging. Love Dad
hi nat
glad ur still havin a great time, keep the blogs and photos coming ,im enjoying them very much
do u leave on sunday 4the USA i wish i cud fone u perhaps wen ur in america ur fone will work im waiting 2 go 2 renal lots of love granny xoxo
great to see you are enjoyin yourself in fiji love your pictures and your bloggskeep it up keep well and keep enjoying yourself lots of love grannyxoxo
Paradise is a taste of Bounty - or, from the pictures, Fiji! Keep blogging, Love Dad
Just seen your pics from fiji im so jealous keep enjoying yourself love mum
Just seen the NZ South Island pics - truly spectacular! Keep blogging. Love Dad
Hey everyone!! Just another thanks on all the comments I've received! Its great to know that everyone is still looking at the site! Angela, yeah I was being sarcastic, lol.
I've got all my New Zealand pics uploaded but haven't yet put them in the right order or put captions on them... I'll work on it tho!!
Keep reading the blog, its Fiji next!
Love Natalie xx
hi nat.
it looks soooo amazing!! im trully jealous! i hope u were being sarcastic bout the 'native' ducks??!!?? theyr mallards! they can b found in leasure centre duck pond!!! lol
anyway. keep enjoying. xxoo
Just got to the end of the latest pics from NZ. Weather must have picked up - it looks gorgeous! Some of the sunsets (must be sunsets as I can't see you getting up for a sunrise!) are spectacular. Keep blogging! Love Dad
Anne Pinkerton
hi Nat
haven't left a comment for ages, still enjoying your blog I have a look every day to see if there's any changes. You mush be having a ball, keep on enjoying it see you soon xxx