Hey guys!
Just a quick update while I wait to go on my first tour!
Got into Singapore after a gruelling 12 hour flight, I dunno how people do that all the time!! And I started my trip off in true Natalie fashion, by throwing up the "delicious" airplane food as we were taxi-ing into the terminal! Classic!!
The hostel I'm staying in is fantastic so far, except its $8 for breakfast which is no more than toast or cereal... not so good! I'm sharing a dorm with 5 other girls, all from England, and have became quite friendly with one, Emma. She's already been in India but is pretty much doing the same things as me, so we've buddied up!
Not sure what else to say rite now, its very warm, in the 30's like all the time! Great! Oh, and saw my first lizard last nite but typical me didnt have a camera! I was listening to my stomach too much and ran out without it! Speaking of food, its amazing here (tho I think I mite have eaten duck last nite... ) and the hawker centres are very cheap! Yay!!
Well I'll scoot on here and will try to update again soon, hope everyone and everything is ok back home!!
Love Natalie xx
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