Well hello from the Top End!!
I made it safe and sound to Darwin! But let me fill you in on Broome! Basically I spent my 6 days lounging by the pool or cooling down in the TV room coz it was so damn hot!! On our first full day we (Hayley, Peter, Dani, Anna and I) went camel riding at sunset along Cable Beach! It was an experience lets just say! But fun! The only other highlights of Broome were St. Paddy's day... I was out with a girl from the hostel from 5pm!! It was a messy one but met loadsa people including a guy from Larne! Small world, eh? But yeah, a good nite had by all, and Elaine even pulled a Kiwi!! That night, or should I say the following morning, we had a huge thunderstorm! Like nothing I've ever experienced, but most of you got an excited msg from me anyway!!
The exciting thunderstorm turned into a right pain the next day coz it delayed my flight by 3 hours! Not much I hear you say but Broome Airport is way smaller than the Abbeycentre!! Prob roughly the size of Primark or Dunnes to be honest!! So I was very bored and slightly hungover! Not so fun!! But I eventually made it to Darwin yesterday after an hours stop in Kununurra, which wan't on my ticket but there you go! An even smaller airport if thats possible!! Got into my hostel last night, its in the middle of town, happy days!! I met up with Emma last night and we went for dinner and just caught up! She had a good trip to Alice Springs and up to here!
I've made friends with one of the girls in my dorm, Soph, and we arranged to go to the Crocodylus Park today. So we got up and ready and off we went. It was a fun day, salties are huge!!! Thats all I can say bout them! And I got to wrestle one!!! A baby one, but still a saltie!! There was a big of a zoo attached too but I wasnt impressed. Enclosures were very small... don't get me started!
Tomorrow we've booked onto a Litchfield Day tour, which includes a Jumping Croc Cruise on the Adelaide river so that should be fun!!
And thats about it so far! I got my Western Xposure tour pics up but unfortunately they're all mixed up so they aint in the right order. I've fixed a few of them but don't have time to fix the rest, and I'll get captions put in as soon as possible too!!
Hope everyone is well, and if anyone's missing me too much call me!! My fone's been very quiet! Its a UK number so wont cost the Earth plus its free for me to receive calls! Just remember I'm 9.5hrs ahead!!
Love you and miss you all xxx
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