Sounds like you are having a fab time in fiji with Jem and Lindz. Swimming with Sharks tomorrow, you must be mad.
We are getting so excited about seeing you next Wednesday can't wait.
Make the most of your last week.
Love you lots
Mum and Dad xxxxx
Nat,nick,rhys & Lily
Hi nath & Wally
hope ur both ok an having a really good time in fiji not long now til u come home its gone really quick,bet u can't wait 2 see rhys he's looking all grown up an meet lily who is getin a little chubber,can't wait 2 see u take care of each other
Lots Of Love
Nat,Nick,Rhys & Lily xxxxxx
Mum & Dad
Hello Nath & Wally
Sorry its taken so long to leave a message but as you no alot has been happening. Your photo's are amazing and as time goes on the stuff your doing is getting more + more dangerous glad you let us no after the event.Well tomorrow its off to Fiji bet you can't wait all that sun,sea,beer and keeping your feet firmly on the ground were they should be.Only 3 weeks left its gone so quick can't wait to see you both so until then keep smiling
Mum And Dad
Hi Danielle and Nath
Have been looking at your latest photo's. New Zealand looks so beautiful. Looks like your still having a great time with lots of laughs. Can't imagine what it is like to bungy and skydive. Just glad they are both out of the way now. Was worried about you both doing crazy stuff like that. Just keep your feet firmly on the ground from now on. Keep enjoying, next stop Fiji.
Love to you both
Mum and Dad xxxxxxxx
Lisa And Simon
Hi Guys,
Love the photos from N.Z, hope your having a good time and its not too cold!!! Glad to see you could hire a campervan thats great. All good here getting bigger by the day!! will keep you posted11weeks to go. Glad to hear Natalie adn lily Rose are doing well, what a lovely name.
Take Care Lisa and Simon xxx
Mum & Dad
Hiya Nath & Wally
Well what a week! But im pleased to say that your new baby niece finaly arrived at 21.44 on 4-6-08 weighing 7lb 1oz so we hope your in a pub somewhere having a few drinks to celebrate the newest addition to our family Lily Rose Halford.
Hope to talk to you soon
Loads of love
Mum & Dad xxxxxxxx
Nan & Tilly
Hi my darlings,
I too have just had a look at this bungy jump, oh! my god Nathan, what's wrong with a nice walk in the country and a pint at the pub, oh! no you have to go throw yourself off a cliff! but well done very brave. I now hear something about sky diving and canyon jumping you both want to do, still keeps you out of mischief eh! Continue to enjoy NZ, go kiss a Kiwi, have fun and take care of each other.
Lots of love, miss you!
Nan and Tilly xxxxxxx
Mum And Dad
Hi Danielle and Nath, Sounds like you are having such a wicked time in New Zealand. Nath have just seen that picture on face book of the bungy. God you are so brave, thought you didn't like heights. I could never do it, was just making me sick looking at the picture. Keep having lots of fun. Are you planning anymore crazy mad things?
Lots of love to you both. Talk soon
Mum and Dad xxxxxx
Mum & Dad
Hi Nath & Wally
Well what can we say you sound like two hippy's traveling around in your camper van.It's been good to get up to your text messages this week New Zealand sounds fab.Hope Jack & Dinger are ok continue to have loads of fun talk to you soon.
we love you loads
Mum & Dad xxxxxxx
Nan & Grandad
Hi Nath & Wally
Pleased to hear that you arrived in New Zealand safely and met up with Jack and James. It was great to hear your voice when you phoned us. We hope you have as good a time in New Zealand as you did in Australia. Hope you are not too nervous Nath about doing the bunji jump and sky diving. We are sure that Wally will look after you ( ha ha) Now that Natalie has moved into her new house we are counting down to the new baby, and by the time you get home you will be an uncle again. We miss you loads and can't wait for you come home when we can see you both again. Lots of love to you both.
Nan & Grandad xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Danielle & Nathan,
Have just got back from 'not so sunny'Spain, Val sends her love. Well what photos! love the sunsets (I think we must have had some in Spain but could't see through the clouds) Hope you have a great time in Taz look out for that 'devil'. Take care, lots of love to you both.
Nan & Tilly xxxxxxxxxxxxx
hey u 2, just had a look at over 200 pictures or sumthing like that needed to catch up alot, ive just been busy. The picture are amazing, wish i could see sum in person, wot a feeling. anyways keep injoyin yourself and make the most of it speak soon xxxx