i am back from France, the food was horrible!!!it was -7 and there was knee deep snow! the sking was amazing and in our room the toilet exploded.Hope you are having a great time!!
love Courtney
Mum & Dad
Hi Nath & Wally
Hope your both ok ,how was the sailing did you get to dive Nath.Well what about Natalie getting a new house and having a girl its all happening here and when you get home it will all be over an done with.Melli isnt well the vet thinks she's missing you maybe i should teach her to use the pc like you taught me (ha ha) anyway keep enjoying yourselves miss you.
loads of love to you both
Mum & Dad xxxxxx
hey u 2
howz it going, the pictures are wicked, looks sooo nice out there, ive got a few days off work coz i had sum injections in my back again, they injected me with botoks this time lol
o yeh the pictures of those spiders f*** that haha
anyways take care, speak soon ryan xx
hi nath an wally
had my scan its a little girl, so we can go mad on pink wally!
take care speak soon
love nat,nick&rhys xxxx
Hi Danielle & Nathan, was loveley hearing from you Monday, made my day, you sound so happy and obviousley enjoying yourselves. but I think you will have to come home for the 6 May when I go to see Val in Spain as the Cattery for Tilly is costing me more than the flight!! All is good here, Ryan made an excellent job of the decorating, didn't think much of his music while he worked though, even Tilly was wearing ear protectors most of the time. Have you finished your boat trip? how was it hope you didn't feel too sick Dee. Well my darlings will sign off now am having lunch with Clint Eastwood follwed by afternoon tea with Johnny Depp, just the usual sort of day, stay safe and well.
Lots of love - Nan & Tilly
Hi Nath & Wally
I have 3 nights staying with nanny, while Courtney is skiing in France (Luckly her.) I am playing football for the Colts on Saturday am, Nan is taking me while mummy is sleeping. Hope you're having a great time, hope Liverpool win on Saturday against Everton. That all for now, hope to hear from both of you soon. Nanny's photo frame looks nice. Love Chloe.
Nan & Grandad
Hello Nath and Wally
Was nice to hear from you. We are pleased to know you both are having a good time. Pictures are great and Grandad has put them on my digital photo frame. It is in the lounge in a prime position where I can see it while I am watching telly.Hope to hear from you both soon, missing you lots. Love to you both Nan and Grandad.
Mum & Dad
Hi Danielle and Nathan
Just a quick message to say, hope you have a good sailing trip. Danielle hope you have remembered your travel tab's, we know what you're like. Dad said his text made you laugh. By the way we loved your new photo's. Look like you are having so much fun. Hope to hear from you again soon when you are back on dry land.
Love to you both
Mum & Dad xxxx
Mum & Dad
Hi Nath & Wally
Wow the photo's just keep getting better.The white water rafting looked scarey but fun.So your moving on and have booked more activities to keep you going,sounds great!
loads a love Mum & Dad xxxxx
Nat,nick & Rhys
Hiya Nath & Wally
We took rhys on sat 2 see thomas and he didn't like sitin on the train he screamed,but he liked 2 stand and watch them go past.Look after each other speak 2 u soon.
Lots Of Love
Nat,Nick & Rhys XxXxXx
Mum & Dad
Good morning Nath & Wally
Just sitting here bored dont want to go out its freezing.So iv found dad some jobs to do around the house and im supervising.Do you have your own room yet or are you still shareing with 10 others,(i hope not)well i better go and make dad a cuppa talk to you soon.
loads a love Mum & Dad xxxxx
Hello you two. Just had a look at your pictures and read your blog, looks awesome. Mum told us about the white water rafting. I would love to do that. Take care of each other, speak to you soon.
P.S. Liverpool lost to the great Utd 3-0 HAHA, even when you're the other side of the world i can still take the mick.