We got to this little place called 1770 that was so small that our greyhound bus didn't run through it so we had to take another bus to take us into the place, we stayed at a hostel called 'cool banana's' which was ridiculously clean so we had afew quiet days just chilling and taking strolls to the beach.
We then left early morning and departed for Hervey Bay, this was just a quick one day stop to take in the few sites and just to say we had been there, we bumped into someone danielle used to work with which was rather strange. We then left the next day to head for Rainbow beach where we had booked to do our Fraser Island trip which we were really excited about.
Included in our package deal that we brought up in Cairns were two free nights accomodation either side of the Fraser trip so we didnt have to worry about pre booking anywhere. The hostel itself was really nice and was more like self contained apartments rather than one big hostel, it also included free breakfast which made a change! We had our briefing for the Fraser Trip the day before and were organised into small groups of ten before being sent off to do our group shop. This was turned out to be a right laugh as we had four Isralies in our group who couldnt eat certain meats etc and an Irish couple who didnt care what the Isralies could and couldnt eat. So the next day we got up early to pack all our camping gear then set off to Fraser in the back of our 4wd, it was a ten minute drive to the ferry crossing then ten minutes to cross the short stretch of water where we landed at Hook point and were left by ourselves on the worlds biggest sand island to make our way up and down this world heritage listed site with only tidal times and a basic map to help us out.
We travelled straight up the East coast stopping at the small town of Eurong then headed inland for a recomended camping site called Central Station, set up camp and had lunch before heading off to Lake Mckenzie but actually ending up at Lake Birrabeen. We found our way back to Lake Mckenzie and enjoyed an afternoon of relaxing on the white sandy beaches and swimming in the crystal clear fresh water, we then headed back to the camp had a barbie then kicked back with afew beers and got to know the whole group properly.
The next morning we were up bright and early, as we were eating breakfast we were joined by a Lace Monitor (some big lizzard) who scrambled down a tree to see if we had any interesting grub, now this thing was big almost as long as the picnic bench and he didnt like being moved on often attemping to whip us with his tail whenever we got too close but he soon legged it when a dingo got into the camp and took an interest in him! After the morning events we packed up our gear and headed back out onto the east coast and travelled up past Eli Creek and the Maheno shipwreck straight up to the lookout point known as Indian Head, didnt see much but ended up meeting a car load of people from the hostel we stayed at and decided we'd camp together that night on the beach.
We were up early the next morning to prepare for the long drive back down the east coast of the island, we were pretty groggy as we didnt go bed that early and then danielle was awake all night scared the dingos where going to get her. So we headed off and half way down decided to stop at Lake Wabby which was a small inland lake hidden behind a huge sand dune and this provided a good resting spot whilst we had lunch. We then packed up and headed back to the ferry port and that was the end of our Fraser adventure:(
We got back and stayed the night at the hostel as it was free then the next day we headed off to a place called Noosa. This was a really posh area with expensive shops etc and did cost a little more to stay at but it had to be done as we had our kayaking trip from there. We spent afew days there exploring the place as it was fairly big, danielle came up with the crazy idea of walking up some steps near the beach to see what was up there, there turned out to be nothing and there was a total of 200 steps up up the side of this cliff which resulted in 400 steps being walked and some very sore legs the next few days!
A few days later we departed for our kayaking trip which turned out to be 3 days of paddling up the Noosa river. We started off great getting lost after only 5 minutes of paddling and ended up on the strong part of the river getting dragged away by the surging current this provided a few laughs with us stuck in some long water grass and not being able to see a thing as it was over our heads. We eventually got to our campsite, set up everything then got to know everyone.
The second day we were up early and set off further up the river to see the massive sand dune however, we didn't realise that it was a hour and half paddle then a good two hour trek up the hill to where the sand dune was located. The sand dune provided spectacular views of the Noosa river and Noosa itself and was well worth the effort, after this we began the climb down and the paddle back before having a relaxed night and then were up again the next morning for an early paddle back.
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