Our next stop after Surfers Paradise was Byron Bay. Danielle could not wait to get there as she had heard so many good things about it and the pictures looked amazing, unfortunately we didn't start off well, we missed our bus and had to re-schedule for another one two hours later, but the two hours enabled us to get on the internet and do some much needed updating to our site.
Anyway we got there around four-ish and were met off the bus by a representative from the hostel were we where staying, he then gave us a tour around the town pointing out everything that was of interest to us. We got to our hostel settled in, met the other two couples that we were sharing a dorm with then went for a walk along the beach and afew drinks.
We decided to have an explore the second day and spend a few hours on the beach before coming back and going out with the other two couples in our room. We ended up having a right laugh with them unfortunately danielle had a few too many drinkies and had to be walked home but all in all it was a great night!
Whilst in Byron we spent alot of time taking walks up to the light house to take in the views of the surrounding area's as they were amazing and this was also the most easterly point in Australia! On our last day in Byron nathan was up early to watch the footie and after we done our day trip to a small town called Nimbin which was a full on hippy town! They gave us all the usual hippy talk about the corrupt government bla bla bla but this was yet again another great day out!
Whilst visiting some huge waterfall nathan somehow managed to get a leech stuck on his toe which was rather unpleasent! To cut a long story short nobody was around so he tugged on it while danielle snapped away with her camera before eventually stabbing it with a stick which done the trick but resulted in alot of blood!
After we got back from our day trip we took an overnight bus to Sydney (13.5 hrs!!) but luckily we managed to sleep the whole way through. We arrived in Sydney early morning but were unable to check in til later in the afternoon so we had to hang around and wait which kind of wasted half of our first day.
Once we had checked in we took a stroll down to Darling Harbour and visited the Sydney Aquarium which were both amazing. We ended up taking a few too many pictures of the animals especially the little blue ringed octopus which was not amused and we were sure he was trying to get out of his tank and attack us ha ha! (Its the most dangerous octopus in the world and when its angry the blue rings on them show up!)
Our second day in Sydney we decided to do the proper tourist thing and went to visit the famous Opera house and Harbour bridge.
To get there we walked through the botanic gardens where we had our lunch, then walked further round and stumbled across the Opera House which was a pretty good site to see, we snapped away, had a quick drink then headed round the bay to an area known as The Rocks which was one of the very first settlements built by the convicts back in the early days.
Their was a local market on so we had a good mooch through all the stalls and at the end of the market strip we found ourselves standing underneath the Harbour Bridge! So again we took a walk up a few stairs and then we were standing on the Harbour bridge with even better views of the Opera house, so more photos where taken etc and by the time we had finished it was time to head home for dinner.
After the hectic day before we decided to take it easy on the Sunday and go to the famous beach called Bondi and chill for the day. So we set off to catch the bus but got distracted by the massive park just before it (Hyde park) and decided to take a walk through it which was a good idea as it had some loverly sculptures and was very green which was odd as it was right in the middle of the city.
Once we had strolled through there we looped back on ourselves past St Marys Cathedral and ended up going into the Australian museum by accident, looking round there and eventually catching the bus down to Bondi which was nice, but cold so we stayed there a while then came home.
We forgot to mention when we first arrived in Sydney we booked a tour to the Blue mountains and this was what we did on the Monday. We were picked up early morning then driven up to the base of the mountains and we stopped there briefly to see a group of Easten (lazy) grey kangeroos. After this we drove up the mountain to a point known as Kingsland Table and a short bushwalk to us to the edge of a cliff which looked out over the valleys of the Blue Mountains and gave spectacular views.
We then took a drive to Wentworth falls and took another bushwlk half way down a cliff to see the huge Wentworth waterfall before climbing back up and heading off for lunch. We had lunch at a place called Echo Point from where you could see the famous three sisters (a rock formation that has an Aboriginal story behind it).
Once we had viewed these we took a walk almost all the way down to the bottom of the Katoomba valley before taking the worlds steepest railway back up which was very exciting as you get on it in the middle of nowhere, halfway out on this rock ledge then you feel like the train is verticle as you are going up but it was a pretty good experience. After this we headed back home and made one lst stop at the Sydney Olympic village which to us looked pretty abandoned.
Our last day in Sydney looked pretty gloomy and miserable outside and this was the day we decided we would do the Harbour bridge climb but we decided if it was like this then we wouldn't bother. So we took a stroll round the city, Danielle brought a new camera as hers had stopped working properly back in Surfers and then by mid day it began to brighten up.
We then decided that we would definitely do the bridge climb so we got there got all geared up in our grey jump suites, got everything attached to the suit, hat, hanky, fleece, shades, radio, headset, the lot! Half an hour later we began our climb which took a fairly long time but was great to do! and possibly one of the best experiences we have had in Australia!! After our climb we had a few celebratory drinks before heading home to have dinner and catch the overnight bus back to Melbourne.
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