In Christchurch all I did was read! The sun was always shining so I did so outside which was nice but I needed a trip to Kaikoura. I hopped back on the Kiwi bus and met some nice people just starting out on their New Zealand adventure...gutted to be right at the end of mine! We arrived at Kaikoura quite late only having time to eat fish and chips at around 8pm. A few of us went down to the closest pub to watch Australia vs New Zealand on that's a proper game of Rugby! It was a good night but wasn't a late one for me, I'm up early in the morning!
The next day most people left that morning heading to the North Island, John and me stayed to swim with Dolphins! We walked to the office and caught a shuttle bus to the boat. We set off in nice weather and calm seas and immediately found a pod of about 60 dolphins. So excited we all got changed and jumped in the water. It was freezing! but swimming around and being so close to the dolphins I soon forgot about the cold! We were told that the dolphins were like children who needed entertaining; we had to dive, swim and sing to keep their attention. I tried to sing "this will be" in a high pitched squeeky voice, I don't know why that song came to my mind and I felt like an idiot but the dolphins loved it and didn't leave me alone. I have to say it was another one of the best experiences of my life. The dolphins were everywhere swimming in tight circles not an arms length away from me. They held my eye contact the whole time while I was swimming which was just incredible! Round and round they moved so fast, it was just awesome! After swimming with the dolphins at 4 different locations each for about 15-20 minutes singing and swimming constantly I was actually quite tired haha! Even so it was such an amazing experience, one of my favourites and probably on par with swimming with elephants...Oh my, I am so lucky to have been able to do all of these things! So happy to be here in this moment and so happy to have done all the things I have done. One lucky young man!
The following day I was to leave Kaikoura heading back to Christchurch to catch my flight to Melbourne. In the afternoon that remained I read a while and then played chess with John, I'm getting quite good haha! After that I booked my bus that was leaving in the morning then went down to the pub again to watch Arsenal vs Chelsea. Again it wasn't a late night but with a few beers down me I had a good time.
Back to Christchurch! Arrived safe and sound I booked back into Jailhouse for the last few days. I made friends with a girl there called Becky who was really nice, also from England and just about to head out on the Kiwi bus. We just chilled together, walking around the botanic gardens and in around the city. Was a nice few days and a good way to end my stay in Christchurch.
I was up and out of the hostel at 3am- a horrible flight time to Australia. I'm happy to be moving on for another adventure but a little nervous to be starting a new. I guess it would be nice to have all the friends I have made just waiting for me at the airport an ideal world!
Well anyway, before I leave I would just like to say that New Zealand truly is a wonderful place and by far my favourite on my travels. I have so many memories of this incredible country and I will miss the views, the people and all of the places! I would highly recommend it to absolutely everybody!
Wow Australia you have a hell of a lot to live up to!
See you soon in Melbourne! G'day S'tralia!
- comments
kathryn Coffey Wow Nathan. I didn't realise you swam with dolphins, sounds incredible, in their natural habitat. Love your blogg darlin.