Tasha on her travels
went to taman negara mayalasias main national park. bit of a stress! journey down was similar to how you may imagime a journey to hell to be! down in two diff mini buses then went on what is referred to here as a 'local train'! i think amy described it best when she said we 'sweated out our souls' vegetables and chickens took priority over people and the three of us had to share one chair for most of the 6 hr journey while we sweated away in the non air con carriage! all adds to the experience though! got to taman negara finally tho and there was no accomodation left! so eneded up walking miles and crossing a dodgy river with backpacks etc to the expensive resort where we had to pay 10 x normal rate, for not much more than a bed!(got an amazing brekkie in morning too tho!) so not the best of starts! next day we crammed in as much as poss, went canopy walking! basically walking on bits of rope hung about 30 metres above the jungle! hmm interesting! was good fun but i was secretly pretty scared!! then we went to visit an Orang asli vilage, basically meaning 'original people' they just lived in little jhuts and showed us how they caught animals and made fir eetc. was very interesting but felt a bit weird seeing them all as a tourist attraction! they all seemed pretty scared of us!that night we went on a jungle safari but unfortunately only saw wild boar, water buffalo and stuff of that sort! no tigers or elephants! was good fun tho, we'd been travelling at this point with this hungarian guy, whose name we cant pronounce! we're convinced hes actually the prince of hungary or something as he'd been travelling for a year and money seemed no object at all! unfortunatley we lost him at the perinthian islands! damn, could have made him make me a princess!!
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