hiya girlies. looks like yas had a gud paddys nyt! missin ya loads luv ya luv gill xxxxxx
Website has been updated for your benefit Anna...though when it's peeing it with rain there's not much to say, we just sit there and look at each other!! As for the messages thing, think it should be compulsary for people to leave messages when they look at the site, plus Becky has banned me from giving the website address out to people...so may explain the lack of messages on this board! Can always count on you though Dave! Miss you loads too...hope your Paddy's Day hangover isn't too bad, & Kate enjoyed the tortellini!! Love you both, Nat xxxx
A. She
I'm with you Anna - have been checking but no news at all! Spoke to Jack the other night and he said that they were on the phone earlier, so they are ok. So glad that you are out to night, dont foreget to toast to 'absent friends' Have a good night. So Beck, Nat whats news? Beck - Toni is 21 next week! They all seem to be catching up to you 21+2. Anyway looking forward to your next news bulletin!
Loads of love
A. She xxx
Jenny N
errrrrm, dont worry but anna guys, im taking her back to the intitution on monday shes on weekend release......
Well, Judging by the lack of messages left on this thing, i think it's safe to say that everyone (me not included) is true to the phrase 'out of sight, out of mind'!!!!
If it's any consolation, i've been missing you loads, even if those other gits aint!!
I've been getting funny phone calls from some girl who sounded a bit like Jess beck, she kept calling me, giggling down the phone, then hanging up (which as you can imagine, p'd me off somewhat). I was a big girl and just ignored it until last friday when i flipped and rang the stupid cow back (she wasn't clever enough to withold her number) and gave her 'what for' cant type exactly what i said, so i'll have to tell you in an e.mail, put it this way, it profanniful!! (if that's a word). anyways, that's the most exciting news i've had this week.
Kate and I are off out tonight seeing as it's paddy's day and thought it only fit to pay respects to him seein as he's dead and can't have a bev himself.
Oh yeah, Nat, i called round to yours the other night to visit Shaz and Chris and much to my surprise, when i knocked at the door, Chris answered and advised that Shaz has gone to Lanzarote!!! (jammy cow).
Jessie was wearin her 'hood rat' top, she looked like she should be hangin round Sonning Shop with a fag, some hooped earings and a bottle of Wild and White. ( chav dog extraordinaire).
Anyways, gotta shoot, have mucho work to be getting on with.
Hope you're both well.
Talk to loads of strangers and weirdos for me seeing as i can't do it myself and i'll speak to you both soon xxx
p.s Will you update this bloody website, no wonder no one's leaving any messages for you!!!
Jenny N
hi girls. i think youz are probably having too much fun, you better pack it in now am gettin jealous!! Be safe and dont talk to poor strangers...only rich ones.
Gizz Spot!!! that sure is one of the better ones (remember 'hotel colon' nat???)
http://www.canyouimagine.co.uk/josemurinhobaseball blast his head the ******
The Harts
i keep forgetting to leave the message, bondi looks fab and the war memorial looks in one piece and no graffiti can't get used to that .dad came out in the chung-lok long before the gay pride carnival so it could have been him on that float .he kept saying he was going to nannies? everything fine here except for weather in case you forget kids fun , fun, fun , no stroking rabid sheep love you loads mum and dad love to nat
Thats it - im perming my hair then back-combing it to within an inch of it's life because Deip's 'Fro ROCKS! I WANT ONE!!
A. She
HELLO LADIES - Your last message says that you posted it at 7.18am - AM - thats in the morning, either you were still up from the night before or you do know that 7.18 comes round twice in the same day! Loved the pics and made up that you are both still enjoying yourselves, you both look well too! I think you both should take up where Judith Chamers left, on the holiday programme. Loads of Love - take care.
A. She xxxxx