Hi Becks, must admit I have just spent 3 hours on a saturday night reading all your stuff, sounds and looks like your having an ace time! I'M SOOOO JELOUS! Anyway takecare and keep eachother safe. love Jak & Aaron xXx
Hola ladies!
Glad to see you're getting tanned and having a fab time! I miss you terribly though so i think it's time you both came home!
Love ya's
Hi Chickenheads,
Why don't you come home NOW?
Everyone I know goes on holiday for 2 weeks maybe 3, but not you. Come home NOW.
Don't forget the dogs.
Peter Priory!
hey kiddos!!! AM BAAAAAAACCCCCCKKKKKK thanx for the info bex as to how to get this site workin!!!! well as i have told ya am officially back in the pri, first shift is on sat for the derby will be rushed off me feet!! nat hurry up n cum bak need me sat day bud bak!! and bex sun days have gone dwnhill since ya left kid!!! well i will soon be celebrating my 19th bday woooooooooo (well its not for anova month yet!!) haha. OOOO nat 4got to tell ya clare g phoned me da ova day!! she got a new fella in sheffield (make of tha wot u will!) am still off wrk and me ears are fuked! (could become partially deaf in the near future!! scary!!) this is gona be a pure essay so sorry!! Bex how have you been? must say v jealous of yas still lovin da pix by the way and i wanna go! o well only like another 5 months till my holiday (malia watch out!!!) oooooooo new news we got a lil puppy!!!!! her name is millie and shes a staff propa cute but the b**** pure scratched me arm the ova day but love her!! haha last nite eneded up in the flex wid craig, charlton n r kt and then ended up bak in the pri for a few more drinks!! was soooo funny! had anova dance off on the poll (b****es ain't got s*** on me!!!) apols for the aprubt language! really good nite was rather drunk n am sufferin now o welll! OOOOOOO more news i may be goin to preston uni! to do TESOL!! (teaching english to speakers of other languages!) sooo mite b startin der in sept, not too sure yet if i wanna do it or not bt the opportunity is there if i wanna do it! ritchie celebrated his bday yesterday he came in quite drunk!! oooo aswell ya kno me new phone i got? well it got robbed the ova day! propa gutted!! so got a new one now same no i gave yas but a beta phone! miss kelly clarkson was amazin! she wasn't on for tha long but loved every minute! support band was s***e an once again was a wee bit drunk (am sure am becoming an alcoholic!) am still in lwoods but the hours r killin me cause am still not gettin usted to them!! i went to modo the ova nite was s***e! without u 2~!! have bin drinkin some pink in memory of yas bt its startin to get me propa pissed afta abar 3 glasses!!! rite i think i have made up for my none correspondence now!! hahaha will speak to yas soon n try n phone me kids!!!! miss yas loads n love yas loads!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi girlies!! I must say your foam party looks better than we went to a million years ago in the Paradox. I can't believe i'm admitting we ever ever entered that place! Keep having fun and getting drunk. Love to u both, Rambo x
How attractive do you tow look in your lovely st patricks's hats?!
A. She
What do you mean - 'Moaning Minnies' in deed, just waiting to see what Anna thinks about that one! Hope the angover has gone! Love to you both. A.She xxx
I am that very person going out to Oz, going via Singapore for a few days. Flying into Sydney, few days their, then fly to Cairns to spend my birthday, have a trip out to the barrier reef for a day, then maybe a trip into the rainforest for a day.
Then hire a campervan (www.wickedcampers.com) and drive down the East Coast back to Sydney. Unsure of whether I want to just drive from Cairns to Brisbane and spend a few days there and get the train back its only $90 1st class back to Sydney.
Anyways it looks like your having a great time, cant wait to go now!
A. She
Welcome back Ladies - I think that Becky was tring to hide (behind the St. Paddy's Visor) just how frighten she was of that Kira! Never though that you could buy unbugerillers out there in Oz. Didn't think that you would need them, but Beck yours is a nice colour. Lets hope the weather changes for you, where are we off to next! One of the lads from work is going out in May for 4 weeks - hiring one of those camper thingies, so I have let him look at your site to pick up some hints of good places to doz and best nights out.
Take care of each other, loads of love
A. She xxxxx
Just looked at your photos..... Just one question........ the pictures of the lagoon, are those big brown things dinosaur poo? cos that's what they look like.
I'm loving the Patrick's Day Visor, especially the photo where it's covering your face beck!!!
In answer to your question nat, the hangover wasn't too bad from Paddy's night, but i'm aching like a Beach today for some reason! Must've been those high heel shoes!
The tortelini was good sh!t man, but doesn't look as good as those pies you were eating. are they the ones where you can fill the top with mash, peas and gravy??? i so want one. (don't bring me one home tho cos it'll be rancid by the time you get here) remember the chips me and the rat brought you back from ibiza???!!! seemed like a good idea at the time. 'memoriesssss........... like the corners of my miiiiinnnnnnnndddddddd........' bit of Barbara to keep you both going there. Sung in the voice only i can do (cat in a pan of boiling fat).
Right you two, gotta go, got some serious food to be eating.
txt me when you're both gonna be online and i'll speak to you then. try to make it quite late at night like 11/12is our time cos i can guarantee i'll be here then.
miss you both loads xxx
Sorry Becky that message read so formal..................luv your loads Mariexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Marie Alexander
Hi Beck..... Sorry it is late but happy birthday. Have a meal on me and Rob. I have enjoyed following your trip.
Enjoy the rest of your trip. Luv you loads Marie.