Sounds like your trip has got off to a great start. You've done loads already ... can't wait to see pics of your travels on here. One of my friends has just got back from China and it looks amazing. I am indeed very jealous!! Where to next?
Love Lorna x
Nattttyyyyy!!!! :D
yay soooo good to hear from ya!!! n im sooo glad ur havin an amazin time!!! can't wait to see all ur pics! n ohh get u eatin crazy foods lol! gonzo's here today n we both went crazy wen we saw u had msged :D she sed she'll email u soon!!!
love you n missin u loads! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Nataliiiieeeee!! Ahh ure tall now :D :D whooooo lol ;) Aww tha chinese fascination, luv it :P Great Wall of China ayeeee. . . what was it like, omg i bet it was breathtaking :) Sop happy you reached and ure enjoyin yaself, will defos keepin readin and msgin yaaa to see how ya doiiiin! Luv yaaa Shona xxxx
Hiya Natty,
how's China? And how is the new diet? I know you are a little bit fussy and cannot wait to hear how your newly exotic pallate is coping. Mum's getting calmer by the day because we know you are such a great and sensible girl. Looking fowrad to seeing some pic's. Love from us all at No 10
Jazzi Fizzle
Hey Savell-Bob! :D
Just wanted to be one of the first to leave u a msg on here (n u aint even left yet so it prob dnt count) :P ... im sooooo excited for u bt im gna miss u like crazy!!!
I think im actually gna live on here so i always knos what my lil savellington is up to! :) Anyhoo cant wait for this weekend yay partay! lol
c u soon luv ya xxxxxxxx
Jo Able
Hey Nat, Hope you have a fantastic time. We're very jealous, we keep saying we should have done it when we were younger! Really sorry we're not coming up for the party but all 4 of us are sad gits and in bed by nine so not that practical to party at the mo. I'm such a lightweigjt after 2 years of hardly any alcohol that i'd probably get hammered and fall asleep in the middle of the dance floor or drop Jake or something horrendous! Looking forward to being kept updated, have a great time xxxx