hey nit nat...jus chillin out r ya...wish i cud do dat oh well i cnt yt! LOL. Hahaha, having withdrawel symptoms are u, hehe, take a deep breath, n den breath in and out 4 like 5 mins, ul b ok den...hehe!!
tke cre chick speak 2 u soon, mwah x x
Zareeeeeeeeeen :d
Heyyyyy... was i one of the clean freaks you were referrin too??? LOL x
ello...u not smelly girl anymore!!! hehe, nice to hear uve got clean clothes now!! glad u gt 2 ur family safe and sound!! tke cre mwah x x
gwilbob here just posing to say hope you're having a good time and well done for not getting killed see you soon
check u out nat...meeting celebs ay...LOL!!! du get any autographs...hehe oly jkin dts kinda sad sti;ll LOL!!! wow...meeting d penguines n dat...dts so cool...gr8 2 hear ur still meeting new peeps...n having a brill time...mwah!!! tke cre x x x
I have now finished all my poooooo exams and can now sleep!!! lol sounds very exicting down under and I am still envious as it has just rained for like the last week. Why do we have no summer?!?!?!?!?!? anywho for my drama I cried!!! yes the cold black piece of coal I have for a heart leaked, ummm dunno what else to say I have a very uneventful life. conitnue having a good one,
love you and miss you x x xxx x xxx x x, millie
Becky :)
awww Nat ur having a wicked time!! I would love 2 see penguins and the description of the little fat one made me laugh! I love reading about ur adventure...u really should have got in to English at uni and write stories all day long (i would be you number1 fan!) lool..
I miss you Nat :( but happy for u :)
Take care xxxx
NATALIE!! It seems like your having so much fun, and i love reading your blogs, they're always so fun! Can't belive your in australia, i would love to go there! Anyway hope you continue to enjoy yourself, and see you very soon my manchester buddy!!
Hey nit nat...still lvinin it up man...dats sooo cool!!! its gr8 2 hear your still alive...lol..n havin a great time!!! i cnt believe ppl celebrate d queens bdy...how sad is dat..haha!!! neway take care...n ill b in touch soon!! mwah..love ya girly!! x x x
sorry i have been neglectful with my bog posts however i have had scary exmas that have given me fear s***s natty!!! I' gonna.... very nearly very nearly =/ I needed you to tell me to shut up and get over myself, stupid travelling b*****!!
nah hope your still having the time of your life, and I am very please to here that you have burnt both sides of your head, keep up the good worki!!! lol
miss you buttmunch home is boring I also miss your cataslismic belches xD lol
see you soon love you x x xxx xx x x xx x
Hi Natalie
I was asking Ella the other day how you were getting on and she told me about your blog.
You seem to be having an amazing time
Reading your stories has made me think I will probably give my children to chance to go abroad, I think
Take some photos with yourself in them
You take care
Zareeeeeeen :d
Savelllll!!! .... I= missiN yU 22222 much now :( ... Msgs simply arnt enuf 4 me :| loll.. Im glad ur avin a gud time.. bla bla *Sighs* .. LOL.. kiddin.. Missssssss uuuuuuuuu lots n cnt believe u wont b ere 4 my B-dai!!! :( Mwahhh xx