You did it! Machu Picchu sounds like the most incredible experience of all our lives let alone yours lol! Enjoy the next few days (how crazy that it's only a few days) and see you next week (how crazy that it's only next week.......okay I will stop now) Love you lots and safe journey home, xxxxxxxx
Kate Elliott
When I said you would go far ... this wasn't quite what I had in mind - but way to go Nat!! Have loved reading of your adventures. x x x
wow u weren't lieing (dno if that's how u spell it but u kno what i mean lol) when you said u'd been busy! i was tired just reading ur blogage!
anyhoos! i'll try and speak to u soon! love u loads!! xxxxxxxx
hey...lil red faced person...hehe!! that blog was quite sounds a shame that there was no tequillia on that boat...hehe!!
speak 2u soon...mwah love ya x x x
Aunt Elsey!
Nat, you are still pretending in your blog that all the other people 'have to' go out all day to teach but I told you ..........there is no teaching.........they are just telling YOU that! lmao! I is a comical geniarse!
Thanks for the call and the textys! Love ya bumface xxxx
Kathryn And Michael
Great to meet you today - looking forward to reading your blog. Go safely,
Our blog is at
hey nit nat...sorry i ain messaged u in a wile...i ain had a laptop! sound like ur still havin a gr8 time!!! i cnt blve u had 2 share a bed with 4 other!!! ope u held all ur farts in...ahaha!!!! take cre chick speak2 u soon...mwah x x
Becky :)
Nusby!!!! Wow sounds like ur have a wonderful time, i was thinking about u when that boy went missing in the blue mountains :-/ i knew u were with ur family tho so i didnt stress that much lol... Just read ur last blog and cant believe u have met an aborigine (u know what i mean lol) i hope u took some photos! Enjoy the rest of your time in Oz! speak 2 u soon xxxx byeeeee xxxxxxxxxxx
S'up homy,
how are you hope yo are still enjoying your travels as I am finishing school this week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this m,akes me happy as it is poooooooooooooo!!
we are also giong to cornwall in two weeks which should be good and HARRY POTTER comes out this week!!!!!!!!!!!!! well tomorrow am sooo excited xD hope yo anjoy your little travelly bit in oz and hope you find nemo, all my love, Milie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Rarrrssseee!! u've actually updated ur blog! woop woop! lol. sounds like u is having an uber gangster time...obviously! :D Savell brummyland is sooooo boring without ya! :( oh but me n Gonzo are goin cinema tomorrow, i'm stealing your space for orange wednesdays lol! ... lmao at finding Nemo i'll be gutted if u dnt find him! lol. i've just been trying to figure out who 'Uncle P' is, just realised lmao! hee hee. Are you not going back to see Seymour (:D) again??
anyhoos better go. love you lots and lots! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
p.s lmfao at Lorna! ah hee hee hee! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Nusby! Sounds like ur having a great time in Ozzi Land! i was lookin thru ur pics and well done for gettin a tan at long last! lol have fun on you sailing trip and good luck in finding Nemo...(had another dream about u the other nite but i wont go into it lol)...
Take care...Love you xxxxxx :)
Uncle P
How are you doing.Have you opened branch 3 for us yet in Aussietralia. Trinity (The late Bruce + Shela's) Funeral Service?All the Hughes clan have been thinking about you even Polly who says woof.Lots of love from the Langley Gangsters innit?