heya peoples!
my last few blogs havent been to detailed and so i thought as its raining and we are a tad on the burnt side anyway to be in the sun too much id ramble at you for a while!
Ko Tao is a great place its sooooo relaxing! we have done almost nothing and slept more than most people should and are still absolutely knackered! i think its the go go go-ness of the tour we were just on where everyday is literally up and 6 or 7 out and about all day and then bed at like 12! the weathers been great too its rained a bit but only ever for about half an hour or at night. we have had some wicked storms at night! ... apparently, obviously i slept right through them to find everyone saying how they nearly s*** themselves at the loudness lolllll and im like oh i thought i dreamt a little tiny rumble lol! the lightenings great too especially as its always in the distance ie far enough away that we dont get wet but close enough to fill the sky with really cool looking lightening!
oh yeh and im also here typing this as its pretty much one of the only things i can do as i went snorkelling around the whole island the other day and literally brushed against a sneakilly spiky-ass peice of unsuspecting coral and sliced the palm of my hand open which is most annoying as most activities do involve me using my hands! actually pressing shift to do exclaimation marks hurts a bit and as you may have noticed i do have a little of an obsession with the old exclaimation mark so maybe il lay off it for a while (lol was so about to do one right there ... and there stop it mind)
we are going to catch the ferry later and then a plane back to bangkok, crystal flys home tomorrow evening and then i think emily and the boys are back in bangkok yay! i fly out to melbourne via sydney for a few hours on the 2nd of june (wow cant believe its nearly june already!) (btw i do have a bandage thing on my hand but its itchy as anything so have to keep pausing to scratch around it lol that sounds so manky but oh well dont act surprised!
i really should read my last blogs before i write new ones because i can never remember what i have told you and dont want to add to the ramblings with repetativeness but sorry if i do!
aslo we cant believe how easy everything has been we walked straight into a travel agents and booked our tickets online in minutes then walked outside and booked a cheap airport bus then caught our plane really easy (which was a psychadelically painted one btw which i thought was well cool!) then got a hotel from the lady at the airport got straight there and walked to the ferry the next day got on got another taxi to the hotel thing were staying at and you catch my drift! i say all that now but wait till we get to bangkok tonight at like 10pm and have to find somewhere to stay lol itl be an adventure!
im going to try to put up some more photos now, as im sure you have guessed there is no order or logic or even sensoring of the photos i put up so apologies if they are really random or crap lol again in case you didnt read in the last blog i have given up trying to put them on here so check my facebook for the pictures (if your not my friend then add meeeee!) I know i say this about putting photos up everytime i end a blog but this time i think it might just work fingers crossed (but not with the left hand cus that hurts!!!!!!! (if you saw me do those exclaimation marks then you would laugh i did it like a complete spazmoloid!!!) (and again hehe)
will write soon hope your all good and cheers again for all the messages its always the first thing i check (apart from today lol becaause they always make me laugh!)
loads of love and see you soon-ish! (nearly a quater of the way through people can you believe it!)
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