We arrive in Ghana tomorrow and everyone is so excited. We have had seven straight days of classes and so everyone is pretty tired. In the evenings, we have had meetings and seminars which have been fascinating. Tonight we had our logistical pre-port seminar which included everything we need to know about Ghana from the money to the toilets. There was one seminar... with a power point even... that told us how to use a squat toilet. Seriously, it was the funniest thing we have EVER seen. It even included how to wipe with your hand as the locals do if you don't have toilet paper. WOW! Enough potty talk.
Tonight we helped with the medical team's presentation on safety in Ghana. We used the song "Aquarius" from the musical Hair and the chorus (age of aquarius) went like this "We are in Ghana but we ain't got malaria, ain't got malaria ahhhhhMALARIA, MALARIA!" Nancy was the singer and everyone dressed up and danced around her. It was a riot.
After the meeting we went upstairs and had the best party ever. Tomorrow is Nancy's birthday so we combined parties with our friend Sam who has his birthday today and we had a huge ice cream cake that said "Happy Birthday Nam and Sancy" (thanks to Geno). All of the faculty and staff were there and we had a great time and danced for at least 3 hours, maybe more. It was so much fun.
Tomorrow when we arrive, customs and immigration will board the ship and check our documents and then we leave for a Takoradi and Secondi twin city tour. It lasts about 6 hours and then we are going to find a restaurant in Ghana for the birthday girl. That should be interesting.
Fun facts:
-Our community resource officer on the ship use to work for the Secret Service. She is really good at keeping our students out of trouble
-We have an interport student for each country we visit. They get on in the port before we reach their country and they help us learn about the culture before we get there
- comments
Shannon Edmeads I studied abroad in Ghana for a month in college- the people are amazing...the experience changed my life. Those anti Malaria pills will give you some CRAZY dreams! I can't wait to hear all about it!! Oh, and the restaurant situation will be interesting for sure...I think I remember kind of liking something called "Fu-Fu"....that and Fanta Orange drink. :)
Shannon Edmeads Almost forgot...Happy Happy Birthday Nancy!!!
paige HAPPY BIRTHDAY little sister I love you!
Cathy Happy Birthday to my Bestest Friend! Love You soooo much.
Pat Davis I wish someone had told me about squat toilets before I encountered one for the first time. I guess that's something Jeff didn't go into with his mom. Or else, he didn't really know, since it is the women that use squat toilets. I just loved the pretty little kettles that the Ghanaian women used for hygiene purposes. I really wished I had managed to get one while I was there. I can't wait to hear your thoughts on Ghana. My favorite food was called red-red. It was fried plantain and a type of stew. As for Fu-Fu, I loved my first bite or two, then I suddenly felt very full & I didn't ever feel like I wanted to try it. Jeff said he had the same experience when he first tried it, but he learned to like it during his time there. Have fun!