My bum is sore. :-(
But that's about the only downside so far :-)
I woke up at 7:30. No. Not correct. I was gently awakened by the sweet sound of a very noisy tractor just outside my window at 7:30. Mmmhhhh... Loved it :-))) but hey, you need to understand : 7:30 am is late for Vietnamese people ! So I got up and, of course, wanted to go to the toilet... Oh yeah, those... Those that are on the other side of the street, meaning after the local bar/grocery store where guys are drinking tea and stuff. So, I get dressed and go. And you know what ? Just behind those toilets... is the lake ! I didn't notice last night ! Awesome view ! I went walking around the area immediately and greeted my friends the mummy pig and her babies, that I had met the night before.
Soon after my backpack is ready and I'm waiting for Tân. He is so surprised to see I'm up and ready. He's even more when I tell him I slept like a baby... Indeed he didn't ! He was disturbed by the sound of animals ! Poor thing ! Hahaha ! I found out shortly after that the Dutch couple, the British guy and their easy riders slept badly for the same reasons ! Hahaha ! And I would be the "city girl" ? Hilarious !
On that same topic, I drink ice all the time, I don't care at all about what I am eating, in what or how. And so far, nothing "must be something I ate" to report ! Tân told me again today that I have a strong stomach :-) hey guys, I did Angola and Palestine. Bring it on !
After breakfast - I really love their coffee ! - I went for an ... elephant ride ! Yeah ! For an hour ! My god. And I complained about the motorbike being not comfortable ? I am not, I repeat, I am NOT going on an elephant back trip anytime soon... Even though they are cute and very reassuring. But it was a first, I am happy I did it. And I got to chill (and burn) while watching the beautiful scenery of this lake and it's surrounding hills. Awesome.
We left and headed for BMT. On the way we stopped to check out a place where the guy owns several black scorpions (OMG they are soooooo frightening) as well as two pythons (OMG they are soooooo cute and beautiful and mesmerizing and awesome). As you can imagine, I fled the scorpions in great horror and carried the pythons on my shoulders (including this 2m python weighing 35Kg) with great joy. I could not take my eyes off them and could not stop stroking them. Their skin is amazing. I loved it.
After that, we left again and stopped for coffee a bit later. Then comes lunch and... the waterfalls ! Again, like in Dalat, I am impressed (I haven't seen many waterfalls in my life, I admit). I sit for half an hour watching them and listening to this very noisy sound of those thousands of liters of water per second falling down. Great time.
Apart from that, we didn't do much : checked in a hotel I'm BMT, took a nap and went for dinner.
So quickly, some funnies to finish, all about Tân :
- his pronunciation, which is no better and no worse than most people here who speak English, is sometimes very very funny. If you add to that that he sometimes forgets the proper way of saying a word, you can get very very confused... I started writing down some words that I had a hard time understanding... Bakeding is actually marketing, win ti is green tea, rouper twi is rubber tree, rye why is rice wine and my favorite one so far : coffi is NOT coffee, but... Scorpion. Yes, I swear.
- love his expressions and the way he says things ! "if lady phone me, OK, if man, go away !" :-))) and tonight, he made me laugh so much (let me write it phonetically so you can grasp the language challenge) : "biko I wok a lat, in di ivnin, I lak relak. So I drik bia, I go karaoke, look ladies, slip betta !". If you need a translation, let me know ;-)
Tomorrow will be a long day : 270 km... Wish luck to my sore bum.
- comments
ludo tres fort la phonetique! ahahh
rachel v mi lik! u lik flied lice too?
Ine What a great day? (except the scorpions; the insects that is not the liquid!)
supet-toutounet Very good day indeed :)Watch out with the stomach bug! Now that you have just boasted on how strong you are, I bet you are going to have the "turista" of the century. On a motorbike : not nice...
stephanie i love coofee in this country....
cotcot ... comme chaque jour je me "précipite" pour connaitre tes nouvelles aventures ... mais là !!!! on ne va plus du tout être sur la même longueur d'ondes : des serpents !!! 35 kg !!!! QUELLE HORRRRRREUUUURRRRR !!!! Tu me connais, rien que d'écrire -et donc d'y penser- j'ai la chair de poule !!!!!!!!Quant au café vietnamien, beurk, beurk, beurk ... quand la fille de Ding Ding est venue passer une semaine à Casseuil, elle avait apporté 2 kg de café ET l'espèce de filtre qu'on met dessus... Claude a aimé, et j'ai détesté ... comme quoi tous les goûts sont dans la nature ! (Savais tu que l'expression portugaise pour exprimer cette idée est "... se nao fosse assim ... coitadinho do amarelo !")(sous entendu, personne n'aimerait cette couleur .... ALORS QUE C'EST MA COULEUR PREFEREE !!!!)
nadegeb72 Hahahaha ! Ma Cot cot ! Tu sais quoi ? Je me marrais toute seule en écrivant cette journée là car je voyais ta tête d'ici ET pour le café ET SURTOUT pour les serpents ! Je ne connais que trop ton aversion pour ces bestioles (j'ai la même pour les araignées) et je me marrais d'avance... Hahaha ! Je le savais !! T'es trop mignonne...Thanks guys for all your comments ! That's so cool to read from you when i get into my hotel room... Yeah !
Bergamotte Considering that Python skin is so next season and that you wear it live, around your neck (Very Marchesa Casatti!) I would say that Asia inspires your fashion sense Bichette ;-)Big bisousssssss
supet-toutounet Et la truie et ses petits ?
supet-toutounet Trop trop mignon. J'adorerais avoir un cochon a la maison !
supet-toutounet A quelle distance exactement ?... j’espère que tu ne t'ai pas baigne a cet endroit...
supet-toutounet Et y en a pas un qui se donnerait la peine de faire un sourire a la camera ?
supet-toutounet T-shirt sympa :)
supet-toutounet Tour pareil que toi : serpents OK, scorpions et araignees NON MERCI !
supet-toutounet Par exemple : soit il manque l'Arabie, soit l'Inde. Juste 2 pays sans vraie incidence géopolitique :)
supet-toutounet Road or path ?
supet-toutounet Toi il faut que tu ailles voir Iguaçu en urgence !
supet-toutounet Attends ! Tu plonges a 20 metres et t'as peur d'un petit pontounet ?
supet-toutounet avec ses jolies jarretelles noires...
nadegeb72 Patience jeune Padawan. Toujours tout, tout de suite, tu veux.
nadegeb72 Bien d'accord avec toi. Les ribs caramélisées, c'est délicieux.
nadegeb72 Oh ça va hein :-) tu crois que je l'aurais publiée cette photo si j'avais dessiné parfaitement ? Beaucoup moins drôle ! Vas-y toi tiens ! Montre moi ce que tu fais en trente secondes ! :-)
nadegeb72 Gnagnagna !! :-)
nadegeb72 On y va avec Salomé ? :-)
nadegeb72 De la même manière que je porte avec joie un python de deux mètres sur mes épaules et que je hurle quand je vois une araignée...
nadegeb72 Ouais, très joli dada !!
supet-toutounet Dis Nadège, tu nous dessines la France ?
supet-toutounet et oui je suis aussi commissaire linguiste.. et çà peut irriter :)
supet-toutounet quando voce quiser :)
nadegeb72 Même pas peur.
nadegeb72 Je confirme ! Raclure !
nadegeb72 Février 2012 ? Désolée je suis pas libre avant... Quand je rentre d'Asie, je repars aussitôt à Cuba et au Costa Rica avec papa pour un mois (mouhahaha !)
nadegeb72 Mais ça irrite surtout parce que tu as raison ! Racluuuuure !
supet-toutounet No jodas !! Ca aussi ca irrite...Y para bucear Cuba y el Costa Rica, horrible !!!
supet-toutounet La perfection est irritante je sais...
nadegeb72 Oui hein ? :-) moi aussi je t'aime chérie :-)