We arrived back in Hobart late yesterday afternoon, tired but having thoroughly enjoyed our 3 days away. We had set off with the intention of driving up to the north of the Island to visit Cradle Mountain - probably the most visited tourist destination. The drive up through the centre of the island is a great mix of different countrysides. Starting with rolling hills outside Hobart, then climbing up to the central plateau where there are many lakes (great for trout fishing). All created by glacial erosion. Then as we approached cradle mountain the scene changed to lovely english type country aptly with names such as Kentish and Middlesex. We arrived in cradle mountain chateau, where we had booked a room, at about 5.00pm, so it had been a long 6 hours. We were not impressed with the chateau which was a rip off and tried to extract money at every turn. However in the morning the water was off so we couldn't shower or clean teeth! They offered some bottle water and free tea and coffee but that was it. This finally decided us on not spending any more time or money there, not going on any of the many guided walks etc. We didn't even go and see the mountain or lake!! I couldn't even be bothered to complain about the water etc. As it turned out when we got back Robert rang the company that runs the hotel and complained strongly! We haven't heard if there is any compensation coming our way yet.
Anyway we set off south again, again in glorious weather about 26 degrees and not a cloud to be seen, but this time the other side of the national park. Heading toward Queenstown and Strahan. This road was on of the most spectacular drives we have been on. The wonderful wooded valleys and hills are so different to look at than other places mainly because the trees here are so different. The various gum trees and eucalyptus with their peeling bark and tall trees that look dead from the top to halfway down where the foliage starts again. The roads of course are very quiet and it was a pleasure to drive. We stopped at various dams and lookout points and eventually arrived in Queenstown. A copper mining town that looked just like a wild west town. We stopped for a Queenstown pie which Margaret put on her car seat and then promptly sat on it! She didn't eat it as she said it tasted awful.(hardly surprising) We had to climb up the mountain out of Queenstown and for the only time on the trip you could sense the tension in the car as the windy road clung rather precariously to the side of the mountain!! After 15 minutes of deathly quiet we emerged slightly sweaty back onto some normal road.
We had decided to head for a place that was an abandoned government hydro electric station that was now a holiday resort called Tarralea. It was a charming place and there were campers and caravaners and lodges to stay in.We stayed in the old school house which had been converted into holiday accommodation. It also had a 9 hole golf course that was great fun to play. As usual we were the only ones playing! It is a very peaceful spot but with a bizarre history in as much that when the government decided to abandon it, it was bought by a "Dominatrix" lady who turned it into a place to come for pleasures of the flesh! She lasted about 10 months and then went bust. I looked in the visitors book entries and yes you guessed it Messrs Fitton and Wilkinson had been visitors!
We were now only 2 hours from Hobart so we stopped at a lovely 9 hole course in New Norfolk and for the grand total of £8 we played in glorious sunshine a very pleasant course. Actually it was a bit too hot-- 28 degrees.
We got back to Robert and Robyn at about 4.00pm and had the usual delicious meal served up of stir-fried prawns and plenty of red wine! The Scallons are great hosts and settling into retirement very nicely.
Today is saturday and Robert has gone off to play golf at his new club, unfortunately it has been raining and is a lot cooler. Robyn took me to the fish market and we bought some lovely fillets of fish I have never heard of and some prawns, and I am cooking Fish massala tonight!
We leave tasmania on tuesday so only a couple of days left.
Robert has returned, so time to find out whether it was disaster or fame.
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