sad to leave melbourne which we much enjoyed, and it was nice to be in one place for a few days. Good flight from melbourne to hobart, the highlight of which was as we were wandering through the airport who should appear from a door right infront of us but the one and only Shane Warne! I asked M if we should take a picture and she said only if he asks!, landing was a little bumpy ,at least for me, arrived at about 5.15pm to warm sunshine. Picked up our hire car - getz 1.3- very nice and set off to Hobart. Our usual inability to communicate accurately when travelling meant we somehow missed our turnoff and travelled an uncalled for 26 kilometers to a place called Kingston (no not Jamaica). After a moment or two of deep breathing we turned around and found our way to Robert and Robyn without further mishap!
Robert wasn't home as he was stewarding at the Bellerive Oval for the 20/20 match versus the west indies. Robyn was home and after a couple of drinks we were right at home, Robyn did us a barbie on the balcony. The view from their balcony is still as stunning as first we saw it. Especially later in the evening when they turned the lights on at the cricket and you could look across the harbour and see them and the fireworks. Robert got back about 9.30 and we had a good chinwag and off to bed.
Monday saw us again bathed in sunshine but with warnings of showers later. It was decided that we all should go and play golf at R and R's new course(they have just received their memberships). Unfortunately there was a veterans comp on so we went to another 9 holer about 5 miles away. We managed 7 holes before the skies darkened and we scampered off . Robert cooked a wonderful tasting leg of australian lamb when we got home. A few glasses of vino and we were all in bed by 11pm. It rained heavily during the night and is supposed to be unsettled for a couple of days then good again from wednesday. Tuesday arrived a fair bit cooler and we all went over to a beach near the bellerive oval and took Monty for a long walk. Robert and i went in to have a look at the cricket ground which has to be one of the most picturesque in the world. it is so relaxed here you just wander in and have a look around, everyone is friendly and helpful.
We had a pint of guiness at a bar in the harbour there, and a curried scallop pie( a speciality). A quiet night tonight then m and I are off tommorrow for a trip to Cradle Mountain and other various places till friday evening. R and R have kindly lent us their clubs so we may fit in a round or two!
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