well we left the threlfalls on wednesday morning, they had to tidy up their rented house in readiness for leaving on thursday. We set off on the long drive around lake alexandrina to get on the road south to melbourne. We passed through some big wine growing areas and availed ourselves of the various wine tastings that were on offer. Nothing stood out so no wine was purchased. After this it is a long and fairly boring drive through endless scrub land. we hardly see a car all day long. the original intention was to get to a little place on the coast called Robe described as a "romantic" spot. fortunately we didn't make it! we got as far as Kingston which is a big lobster fishing place which meant we had to buy one from the fish shack on the beach and take it back to our motel who prepared and presented it for a small fee. I was dissappointed in the lobster and shan't bother again. the mullet i had for lunch was much better!
One thing of great concern so far is the cost of beer in the pubs. everywhere we have been it is costing at least £4 a pint! If this continues there is every danger of this turning into a temperance outing!
We left kingston this morning at about 10.00am with ominous clouds gathering. we had heard that there had been flooding in Melbourne the previous day so when it started to rain we knew we were in for a downpour. In fact it didn't stop for about 8 hours and the temperature dropped to about 20 degrees.
Robe turned out to be a bit of a one horse town, but unfair to judge in the pouring rain.
It was then a long straight road for about 100 miles with hardly a sight of another car. And with the heavy rain sometimes a bit hairy. We got to mount gambier at about 3.00pm and booked into a best western motel which has broadband so we are taking the chance to get up to date.
It finally stopped raining at about 6.00 so we went up to mount gambier golf course for a mosey. It lookes a beautiful course so we intend to go up tomorrow and give it a good seeing to! We had a beer there--£4 a pint!-- so off to the bottle shop and bought some beer and a KFC for Delia and some pasta for mr fitness.
Forecast is better tomorrow so fingers crossed.
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