Hi everybody - apologies for the delay in starting the blog but there have been technical problems. Mainly about uploading photos.
Anyway our tour started with a change of plan when we realised the train that we had booked from Leeds to Manchester Airport would get us to the airport 5 hours early - Mytton planning!!!- caused by J's inability to understand the 24 hour clock!!!! So Kat kindly offered to take us in the car.
Everything went smoothly down to Heathrow and also our flight to Singapore. This flight was delayed 20mins to de-ice the wings-let me out of here!!!!!Reasonable flight to Singapore but did not get much sleep. We were met in Singapore by Bob Estridge in his immaculate black bentley convertible. He whisked us off to our hotel and after a quick shower he took us to Singapore Cricket Club where he has a membership (10k) a year. The views from the terrace at night are fantastic and it was a perfect start to our visit. An hour later we headed back to Clarks Quay and had a few more beers at a couple of bars on the river. One of the bars served Belgian beer at 6.6% which soon rendered us rather mellow. Finally at about 1pm we retired to our room at the Park Hotel where we realised we had not eaten for ages so ordered room service and then literally crashed!!
The following day -Wednesday- the Myttons were rather poorly-J with a hangover and M with a dickie tummy! So the day passed with a swim in the hotel pool and the odd snack. We tried to get on the tourist bus but could not find the stop so we soon abandoned this and went back to bed!!! Temperature in the 30's
Thursday 4th - We finally managed to get on the tour bus and had an hours tour round the city. Singapore is a very impressive place-the buildings are magnificent and more are going up all the time.In the evening we went on a boat trip from Clarks Quay which gave us another fantastic view of the city.
Friday 5th - We flew out of Singapore at 8pm for Melbourne.Good smooth flight but the food was not very good. We had originally another 4hour wait for our connection to Adelaide but we managed to get on an earlier flight and arrived in Adelaide at 10am on Saturday 6th.
Our hire car is a Nissan Tilda which is ok and it took us about 1hour 30 mins to drive to Victor Harbor and we easily found Threllys place. They are staying in a very nice 4 bedroomed house. We slept in the afternoon and then Sam did a BBQ in the evening. Victor Harbor is a quaint holiday-type spot with fab views and beaches.
Sunday 7th - We all went to Urimburra wild life park to feeds the roo's etc. - very hot but an interesting day was had by all.
In the afternoon it was off to Waitpinga beach which was a spectacular sight with big waves and a dangerous rip tide. That evening we went to the Royal Family Pub for a meal - great prawns etc.
Monday 8th - We went to Victor Harbor library to try & get our blog set up properly-they have free wifi. Still having problems getting the photos onto the site - thank god for Sam & James!In the afternoon we went to Horseshoe Bay and then Port Elliot.
In the morning Chris finally had his pot off his arm and David had his latest results from his blood tests so all is looking ok for their return to the UK.
Tuesday 9th -The Myttons played golf at Victor Harbor GC - teeing off at 8pm. Played in a 4 ball with a very noisy but keen Dutchman from Perth -he has been in Aussie 27years- and a surly aussie who hardly spoke at all. Beautiful layout with wonderful views over VH and the coast. Roo's dotted about the course. It was very hot and with hired clubs J beat M 28 points to 25!!! We leave Threllys tomorrow morning and go down the Great Ocean Road to Melbourne. Hopefully we will be able to update you all again soon.
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