Neil's Round the World Trip!
I woke up this morning, had a shower and then went outside to the washing line to collect my clothes.
Hang on, there's only 2 t-shirts and a pair of socks. The rest of the line is bedding sheets the cleaners have put out. I ask the cleaners where they put my clothes, they say that the line was empty when they came down at 6am apart from my t-shirt and socks.
I then said well what's happened to my clothes? "Probably stolen, it's happened a lot recently". What, it's happened a lot recently (where was the f$#^&*g warning!) I then went to the reception and spoke to a complete bi*ch who wasn't sympathetic in the slightest. "Common sense mate, don't leave your washing on the line at night" I replied "Look it rained at 9pm I had to leave them out, whatsmore where I'm from people don't run around stealing clothes off washing lines!!"
I was so mad, anyway I calmed down a little and realised 3 t-shirts are gone, 3 underwear, 1 pair of socks, and swimshorts. The t-shirts that were stolen were getting on a bit but I loved my Basura t-shirt and now it's!! :(
Some punk is wearing it, who given I'm in hicksville probably doesn't know Spanish. It translates as "trash" or "scum"; how ironic!
I had to go to Hervey Mall and spend $70 on new clothes. I bought a Bill Bryson book "Down Under" too for $20 as I have read my Rough Guide and you can only learn so much Spanish or Italian in one day before getting bored.
I went to my Fraser Island orientation which tells you all the things you mustn't do when you're there. Firstly don't feed dingoes as they will associate humans with food and kill small children. Secondly don't razz the 4WD through the sea, pools, ditches or sand dunes. Thirdly, don't leave any rubbish. Fourthly do not under any circumstances go in the sea due to the number of sharks, jellyfish and rip tide. Finally when going to the toilet dig a 50cm pit anything shallower will be eaten by dingoes!
I had my dinner and then chilled out for the rest of the evening as I have to get up at 6.30am tomorrow! Oh and I'm gone for 3 days so journal won't be updated until maybe Sunday.
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