Neil's Round the World Trip!
I woke up around 6.30am just as the bus arrived in Santos. I wandered around the bus terminal looking for a bus company listing Angra Dos Reis as a destination. However none of them had it so I decided to get an express bus to Sau Paulo and then get a bus from there to Angra.
My bus drove into the sprawling metropolis of Sau Paulo and I got off at my bus station which I soon realised wasn't Tiete bus terminal but a distant terminal called Jahaquara. I had to get the metro to Tiete and luckily in this huge cavernous bus centre I found my bus to Anra.
We drove out of the mass of high rises and concrete jungle reaching the countryside by 3am. We continued down from the mountains until we reached the coast. We dropped people off at Patani and then continued on to Angra. It was dark when I arrived and I realised there was no ferry until tomorrow afternoon so I decided to just get another onward bus to Rio de Janeiro.
I bought a ticket and got on the empty bus which cruised off to Rio. I arrived and booked a radio taxi (although more expensive, safer!). The taxi driver drove wrecklessly along the highways beeping his horns at any car that got in the way as he changed lanes several times for no apparent reason.
I arrived at my hostel and didn't recognise it at first because of the huge metal security fence with spikes. I checked in and met Bruno who works there. He's 21 and is an aspiring actor. He's cocky and is always cracking jokes. He was an extra in "City of God". As he showed me round the hostel he chatted to some guys in Hebrew. I asked how he knew Hebrew and he told me that lots of Israelis come here because of the hostel name. Shenkin is a big street in Tel Aviv and so constant interaction with Israelis has given him a good grasp of the language.
We walked down to McDonalds and had a burger. Bruno nonchalently told me he'd only been robbed 4 times in Rio. It didn't seem too dangerous as we walked along the beach as there appeared to be a police prescence. We walked past a club called Help! and Bruno advised me never to go as this is where prostitutes go to pick up tourists. We could see prostitutes loitering outside the club, tottering about on their white high heels.
We walked back to the hostel and I went to sleep as I was tired after a night and day of travelling in a bus!
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