My three months in Asia...
So I kinda missed an entry as I was a bit hungover.
Not going to lie. Pretty bad. Not sure what my mother will think when she reads this but hopefully not too shamed but CHANG BEER IS NASTY! THERE IS A REASON WHY THE LOCAL'S DONT DRINK IT.
That is all.
Ciao my friends.
- comments
Mum Mum's ok with it.......its your Dad thats not!!! Water is your friend. Love you Mum & Dad xxxx
John Try some of your local pubs when they f? A research staff? part-time bar. Initially, s? Select one pub that is prertpeios? T? priv? e pleased? does that as opportunities brewing o? they pay? s sp? these? hand, less mati? re tax, etc. mean? also that you can only work two or three nights a week and adjust the hours to pay f? you take your work? full time. You Spa? obtain work in a pub, in a social environment and DAF? r pay? s.