One hour later I arrived in Berlin crossing my fingers as I stood along the conveyor belt hoping my luggage made it. To my surprise they arrived all in excellent condition. I'm pushing one large, medium, and large carryon totaling a weight of 78 kilos (170 lbs). I know everyone at the airport is looking at me thinking, "there goes another greedy American with too much luggage." I arrived at the next ticketing counter only to find out Miami allowed too much luggage for me and should have charged me 500 EUR ($710) Ouch! After 2 hours of watching the Germans figure out whose problem this is I ended up paying 50 EUR ($70). I thought I was in the clear until I started walking away pulling my carryon bag when they stopped me and told me I had to have it weighed. As the scale showed 18 kilos the woman tells me they only allow 8 kilos. What! My bag itself weighs that much. I smiled and put on my best innocent face as I answered, "ooops sorry now what do I do?" The woman just shook her head and kindly placed a tag on it for another crazy checked bag at no extra charge. Finally I made it through my last security screen only to be violated again. For every American that makes the comment that they were sexually harassed let me just say it is far more violating in Europe and nothing you can do. My last plane ride another three hours of flying and again I'm sitting there with many people tired and sweaty only this time the announcements are in Greek and German and you can forget about English.
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