ARRGGGGHHHH i've just written loads and it got cut off and i lost everything... not a happy bunny.As i was saying before i was rudely interrupted... Iam 9blogs behind so gonna make these short uns.
So we get to Siem Reap after 7 or so hours on the bus. We get to the apartment by the weird tuk tuk driver who is harmless but very strange.He worked at our hotel so every time we left he said where are you going? can i come? to which the answer was out and no! We had two king sized beds again so we were happy! We went to a nice posh bbq restaurant for dinner where we had jacket potato finally :) it was one of those restaurants where you don't realise the price till your sat down and by then its too late to get up and leave. But the food and wine was good so can't complain. We then headed for a drink and the bar opposite us had lots of lights on so we went there...however it was empty! Pretty much just me and char in the whole place, and when the guy came over and headed straight under our table i wondered what sort of place we had come to. Luckily he was putting a bottle there with some sort of midgie repellent incense stick in there (it didnt work we were bitten to bits). He asked us if we wanted food and we told him we had eaten so just beer please (there wasnt much choice the only alcohol they sold was beer) He then told us he had a suprise and ran off,now after the head under the table situation i was abit worried about his suprise. He brought back a plate of nuts two small bowls and a pair of chopsticks each very random...Álso he kept pouring our beer for us like it was wine, he did like half a glass first we were like wheres the rest?? when i poured it for us helooked very offended,being as we were practically the only customers he was probably a little bored.
I can't remember what day we did what here, i remember we stayed for about 5 days and it rained alot.We had to change our trip day as it was raining really heavy when we were meant to go. We met this girl from our hotel and we all went on this day trip to Angkor Wat and a few other temples. That was really interesting at first, but as we all agreed after the 5th temple which was mainly just rocks it got a bit boring. I did buy another 5 bracelets off some kids which were nice that was for a dollar and an ice drink. We did see some monkeys along the way as well which we got excited about and asked the tuk tuk driver to stop, bad move! We were soon ambushed by monkeys andone sat on my lap and went for my drink...char told me to give it to him so i let him take it off me, then i felt a wetness down my leg and i thought he had weed on me... not impressed, luckily he had just poured my drink down me. We told the driver to go and were very happy when the last monkeys jumped off the tuk tuk, they were the evil looking ones who tore that womans face off so were happy to leave in one piece, faces intact!
I finally managed to get a mini laptop to replace the broken one, (i sent that backto china in bkk and its yet to get there...not looking good) Mum gave me 100 pound for my bday so i put some money towards it and bought one,We could then watch twilight and family guy at night in our room. Although i did nearly not have it at all as on the way up the stairs in our hotel with laptop in hand i tripped and fell flat on my face...not my classiest moment and i cut all my elbow. The guy from reception came to see if i was ok, think he thought there was an earthquake. We had a night market down the road from us addicted to night markets.. and managed to buy a few presents for the family and myself just little souvenirs as have to make sure we dont run out of money,but got some nice pillow cases,a gorgeous mobile made for woody and a few others. Loved it cos you could haggle down to the last 10 cents and we got some good little bargains. We managed to pay 20 quid at the post office to send a box of goodies home although it takes about 2months.... so will probably be home before it gets there.
We found a cool little restaurant where you get like a hotplate and cook yourown veg and meat which me and char found fun and pretty much spent the next few days haggling to get some bargains and exploring siem reap. On the last night we skyped Nat and Em, which was lovely to see their faces after so long and chat away from our hotel room. Miss those girlies:) Well thats the end of Cambodia wooopp wooopp!!
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