It was with a heavy heart that we finally had to leave Brisbane! Being our home for just over four months, we had very much grown to love the City and all it had to show us! But it was time for us to move on, and to make our way down to Sydney for Christmas and New Year!
Having followed "I'm a Celebrity, Get Me Out Of Here", and Ant and Dec on Twitter, we (or should we say, Sasha) had worked out where they were staying, and the pub that they usually frequented after filming each day! And realizing that it was pretty much on route, we decided it would be a great opportunity for a bit of celebrity spotting, and who knows, maybe even making Ant and Dec our new BFF's!! Yep you guessed it!! All Sasha's idea!!
So after a night at a free site which was totally mozzie infested, and being 32'C at night!! We had to sleep with the windows open and for the first time constructed the mozzie net over us, which was a great success in the fact that we woke with no bites, but instead we had a car full of bugs!! It being such a sweaty night we drove straight to Kingscliff (where Ant and Dec were staying!!) and jump straight into the sea! And oh my goodness was that welcome! We could have stayed in there all day to try and keep cool, but we had some celebrities to find!! And so off we headed to the Kingscliff Hotel (Ant and Dec's regular drinking hole!!), walking past a couple of times to see if we could see them in there, heading off to the supermarket for some lunch and then back to the Kingscliff Hotel (did we mention this is Ant and Dec's local??), again walking past a couple of times to see if we could see them, before actually having to go in before we looked too weird! It is THE slowest you will have ever seen either of us drink a schooner of beer before, and we actually made it last nearly an hour, with no sign of our potential new best friends!
Deciding that A & D must have decided on a game of golf instead of beer, we came to the realisation that we would need to hit the road to get on down the coast a little further, and so reluctantly we left, knowing that Ant and Dec would have been just as disappointed as we were!!
The following day whilst driving towards Coffs Harbour we experienced what can only be described as a near death experience! Sasha's driving!! Well, to be fair, it was Sasha's driving plus a giant dragonfly that flew into the side of the van, knocked itself unconscious and landed straight on Sasha's lap!! So with Sasha screaming her head off, driving at 80kmph, not particularly in a straight line, Ollie had to try and get it off her lap and throw it out of the window, with the conversation in the car going a little like this:
Ollie: - Keep your eyes on the bloody road!!
Just about in one piece we drive onto a beautiful campsite just outside of Coffs Harbour in Arrawarra where we were able to chill out for the afternoon in the swimming pool, and then witness kangaroos galore happily walking (hopping) through the park.
A week after leaving Brisbane we finally made our way to Port Macquarie where we had arranged to meet the Carpenter's! The family that we met in Fiji!! Rudely we interrupted a romantic weekend Brian and Cheryl had intended to have in Port, but we like to think they enjoyed their time with us much more!! :0) We certainly had a fab time! Even better, was that Eliza made the drive all the way from Sydney (5 hours!) to come and see us! Spending the Saturday evening with them we had a wonderful BBQ and were ploughed with beer and wine, which resulted in a very large hangover the following morning! But once cleared we made our way to the Koala Hospital in Port M which looks after injured Koalas found in the area.
We then headed into town with the intention of catching a boat called the Junk up the river, and having a fish and chip dinner before-hand! Now as you know, Sasha doesn't eat fish, but is, in this new life of trying new things, trying to embrace the idea of learning to like fish! And so with fish purchased for Ollie, Brian, Cheryl and Eliza, and a battered sausage for Sasha (no rude jokes!!!), Sasha takes the plunge and tries the fish!! And surprisingly, it went down ok!!
As we said, the intention that evening was to catch a boat up the river; however the weather had other ideas!! The heavens opened, and all but us had called into the boat crew to cancel! So instead, Brian took us on a tour of the area, which included a trip up to the top of a mountain which offers views across the whole of Port Macquarie! However, as you know, the weather was not particularly favourable and we found ourselves instead standing on the top of the mountain, inside the clouds, barely seeing each other, let alone the view!!
On the Monday we headed off to the Carpenter's farm, which is about an hour inland, and to be honest, we could have stayed there forever!! It is just fabulous! So so, beautiful, and the peace was just overwhelming!! That was of course until two of the bulls decided to have a bit of a sparring match which resulted in them breaking through one of the fences and escaping!! And the trip over the Carpenter's land in the ute, oh, and the quad bike ride Ollie took with Brian to recapture the two bulls!! But other than that it was totally serene and we really could have camped there for good!! But onwards we had to go and to Sydney we headed ready for Christmas and New Year!!
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