Hi everyone,
First day of our adventure and what a day it has been! Not exactly sure what we were expecting but nothing could have prepared us for what we have experienced so far. Started with emotional goodbyes at London heathrow (love to you all and we did eventually stop crying by the time we got to security) and a Anika Rice style run to the plane followed. Flight was suprisingly comfortable (thanks Mr Branson) and managed to doze for quite alot of it. (Stu-Virgin food ROCKS!) Then there was Delhi. Once we had collected our mamouth backpacks we found ourselves looking at exit signs and ip-dipped for the right (very logical). Managed to dodge a few flobs and people trying to take us various places. Getting a little peturbed by this point as we realized we had no idea where we were or where we needed to go or how to get there (there is a happy ending mummy's honestly!) At this point Julies manically fingering through the national geographic India guide trying to find where we are whilst I'm obviously sparking up a cigarette (it had been a long time ok!) We were trying to be as discreet as possible but both looked up and found the whole population of India staring at us! It was as if they'd never seen two women on their own before. Very strange and disconcerting, especially when two families asked us if they could have their photos taken with us..and their 200 children! (we know we're hot but honestly!) Anyway finally plucked up the courage to ask about taxis, and proceeded to have the scariest ride of our lives! These people are CRAZY drivers and thats coming from someone who has to get in a car with my mother (sorry mummy hart X) Found our Inn thanks to a 'friendly' policeman, which is just past the public urinals-nice. Almost crying under the weight of our almighty backpacks, eyes to the ground ignoring cripples and beggars, we stumbled into the Smyle Inn wondering what the hell we'd got ourselves into. Thankfully our room is basic, kind of clean and the people here are very friendly. Had a quick freshen up and it was onward to explore New Delhi..... you'll have to wait for the next installment because we can't keep our eyes open and there will be photos onced we've worked out how to put them on. Love and miss you all,
Julie and Kirsty
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