Where are those Krafty Kansans
Wow so here we are the third city on our list... "Paré" The keyboards here are all screwed up the z is where the w should be and the A is switched with the Q, everything is all catewhompis! it makes it quite difficult to type without any mistakes, its actually quite fitting that im completely lost on the keyboard bc it pretty much sums up our time in Paris so far, but first i will backtrack and tell you all about London, if i can remeber that far back, a whole two days ago.
Okay lets see... well to start things off the hostel we stayed at was called the generator, houses 800 people every night from all over the world (seemed to be a lot from new zealand:austrailia) it has a bar on the main floor and the first night we were there it featured Kareoke. Oh so you all know I had to hit that up!!! I was going to grace them with my usual rendition of Baby Got Back (for the parents it goes: i like big butts and i cannot lie....) however another american beat me to it, and did a pretty good job so i couldnt be too upset, so instead i decided to blow them all out of the water with Proud Mary by tina turner, rollin rollin rollin on the river. Oh yeah, i killed it, they loved it. Phil came on stage halfway thru to give me a little backup, and jessie tried to join in but she was kicked off stage bc she tried to bring her drink with her and the body gaurds didnt seem to like that idea very much.
We actually packed in a lot of sightseeing in london for the two days we were there. We hit up the Big Ben first checked out the westminster abbey, St. Pauls cathedral (everyone else went there and attended part of a mass while i wandered around the Tate Modern museum) we saw the tower bridge which everyone always thinks is the london bridge bc of the song; however in all actuality the london bridge is just about as exciting as the Lawrence 6th st bridge, and its really the tower bridge that is quite impressive.
Oh and i have to tell you one of the most impressive things we did in london and quite possibly one of the most interesting things i will ever see in my life: an exhibit at earls court exhibition center entitled Body (go to and check it out!!!) absolutely amazing. They invented a new process to preserve bodies, and had an enormus display of at least 30 or so cadivers displaying every single thing about the body that we know: ranged all the way from reproduction to showing how your body is composed if you were to just see the veins and arteries (the circulatory system) you could walk completely around these real human bodies in open air (no smell at all) and they showed you every internal organ what happens if you were to have cancer or some sort of disease (what it looked like) i mean i could go on and on it was unbelievable.
(you wouldnt believe how freakin long its taking me to type all this, i feel like you dad!!!)
wow, well im going to press forward and probably have the other guys read this and fill in what they would like at the end.
So yesterday (saturday) we arrived in paris, took the chunnel which is a high speed train that goes underneath the english channel at speeds up to 186 MPH. it was pretty nice, we all slept for most of the time. Then we enter the paris train station, no one was around to help guide where we are and where we needed to be, so it took us about two hours to get to our hotel. at times you want to be frusterated, but when it comes down to it we are all equally cluelss, and there is really no need to let it get to you when your on a trip such as this.
(Liz is typing now)
hello to all or should i say bonjour bonjour bonjour. so we got to Paris yesterday and spent pretty much the whole night sitting in some grass drinking in front of the eiffel tower. it lit up. and flashed. maria really liked the flashes. after that we got really lost for about four hours, just roaming around. needless to say; we are not exactly popping up and down today. Hurtin for a certain! anywhoo we actually opted to stay at a hotel here instead of a hostel and the front desk lady; vivienne is really cool
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