Where are those Krafty Kansans
Ah, so the second city on our route, London England. We had a really early flight today and had to leave our hostel in dublin at 5:45 am. That was a b**** let me tell you, luckily we made it, on time, if you can believe it or not, had our first Ryan Air experience today, not so bad. For those of you who aren't familiar its basically the european version of Southwest airlines, very very cheap (cheaper than SW) and we made it here, so I have no complaints. Not sure what we have scheduled yet for today, but we keep seeing posters for a mueseum exhibit called Bodies, which is basically cadivers (sp?) in various poses. kind of morbid, kind of strange, but maybe unique/interesting to see? Im sure we will travel around to the "free" touristy locations and see the big ben, london bridge, wesminster, ect. ect. I actually don't have any outrageous stories from Dublin, Brian and I kind of did our own thing, while the rest of the group went out and partied with the locals. We did end up taking a castle tour yesterday along the coast of dublin, which was alright. Actually we weren't that impressed at all. The outside of the castle was beautiful, but the inside tour bored our young little minds. I did however learn some facts about dublin on the bus ride out.
1. We hopped on the bus at the Molly Statue, which is basically a statue of a prostitue that sold fish, aka fish monger. they call her dolly with a trolley
2. Dublin has 16 out of the 20 biggest pharmacutical companies, including Bauch and Lomb, the makers of Viagra, and the makers of botox, and breast implants.
3. Double decker bus rides make me car sick, and I dont really like them too much! :(~
So basically I wanted to prove to you all that we are on a LEARNING trip, as well as practicing our fine skills at binge drinking. (just kidding parents :)
Well, I guess thats it, like I said the stories will start to be more colorful as we become more of the "experienced traveler" and grow out of the "lost dumb american" title that we currently posses.
You will all be happy to hear that we purchased a solution to get our pics off of our cameras and onto the computer, however the station I am currently at has the hard drive locked away, and no way for me to plug in anywhere. So i guess they will have to wait another day, but I will figure it out hopefully sooner rather than later.
We are having a good time, very tired today, might hang around our hostel tonight, first 5 "brave" souls to kareoke tonight at the hostel get a drink. HA! 5 of us, not a shy soul around, I think we will have that covered. Phil seems to think they like to sing Sweet Caroline in dublin, so maybe we can kick the night off with that.
I will have the others post their thoughts later on in our trip, as I know we will all have funny comentary to fill you in on.
Love you all
Thanks for following us!
Maria and Company
ps to all you doubters, ah-hem Alan, 3 days in europe and two days on the computer, not too shabby huh?
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