hey all
so cant remember wen i last did a blog. so a quick fill in of the last week...
last friday i went down to ocford to meet cousins will and liz. stayed on wills dad's farm on friday nght. walked around the farm and relaxed on the saturday (while liz was in london swimming 1500m in the thames). saturday night we went to will's mates 30th birthday which was just next to this canal thing. was in a random field a bit out of oxford. was kind of relaxed, by the fire and hippies. we camped out next to the canal. very loose night. couldnt stop laughing at will. he is a very happy drunk.
sunday was spent recovering at raakhi's (will's gf) then will and i drove down to southampton and caught the ferry across to the isle of wight. claire, catherin, keiran and islay met us at the ferry terminal. we then spent the day walking around cowes which was buzzing due to the sailing festival.
spent the following 2 days at the beach!!!! water was quite warm. caught the ferry to portsmouth on the wed with catherine, kerian and islay and met lizzie there for lunch. then caught the train to ben langfords and played cricket on the thursday. was quite comical as we were sinking beers before/whilst and after playing as it was a friendly match. i scored a wonderful 3 runs before chopping on. the rain came at lunch and hence we didnt have to bowl/field. i am also playing again tomorrow!
off to croatia on tuedsday! cant wait
take care everyone.
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